129. Three's Company

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A/N - LIme Warning ^_^

The next time Lucette opened her eyes, she expected to see the bedroom, but instead she was surrounded by blue roses. Feeling a little bit confused, she looked around for something other than roses, but all she saw was more roses. As she took a few steps forward, she noticed that there was a cat sitting just a short distance away from her. She then thought that it looked like the same ragdoll cat that she saw on that rainy night. But, as she made her way closer to the cat, it just darted off and she lost sight of it. Still feeling confused, she turns around and gets frightened by who was standing directly behind her.

"Lucien? Damn, don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Well, I'll try not to...." Lucien shrugged. Lucette then noticed that he was wearing that white suit again.

"Erm, have you seen a cat around?"

"A cat? No...." Lucien looks around. "What is this place?"

"Wait... You don't know?"


"Huh.... Then do you perhaps know anything about these blue roses?"

"I have no idea...." Lucien shrugs again. "However, a blue rose isn't something you see often. But do you know the symbolism of these flowers?"

Lucette shook her head, and he continued.

"Well, blue roses can symbolise mystery or attaining the impossible."

"If that is the case, do you think that this place is hinting at something?"

"Beats me.... I'm really limited on what I can do."

As Lucette pondered to herself, she wondered if she could ask him something. She then took a deep breath, and thought 'why the hell not?'

"Erm, can an unborn child manifest themselves before their parents?"

"Eh?" Lucien looked down at her with a tilted head.

"So that's not possible?"

"Well, I'm no baby expert, but from what I have learnt from mother, when she was carrying you, was that she did feel like she met you several times before you were actually born. So maybe? Why do you ask?"

"Oh, well, it's because Sanctus appeared before me...." She saw his face change, and she added to it. "As in the one with me, and not the troubled set."

"Ah.... Did he say anything?"

"Well...." Lucette started to twiddle her fingers. "He said not to trust the dogs."

"Dogs? Do you mean the two that refer to themselves as Nero and Koraki? Who are just futuristic Ichthys and Corvus? Those dogs?"


"That's interesting that he's saying not to trust them...."

"Yeah, I'm a little confused with that too.... I mean my versions have met them, and Nocte has been speaking to them."

"Nocte? Has he officially stated that you can trust them?"

"Erm...." She tried to think. Did he? "I don't believe so...."

"Nocte knows how to play both sides, so what mini Sanctus said could be true."

"I see..."

This was so confusing for Lucette but, as she looked around, she realised that each of these blue roses looked exactly like the one that the mysterious cat gave her.

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