50. Memory within the roses

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The week of no school went surprisingly well. Lucette was contacted by Mai, stating that her mother insisted that she should use most of the week to catch up with school work, so she was momentarily 'grounded' to work on that. Eros later contacted, saying that since he sneaked out, his grandmother is taking him on an 'adventure'. Lucette thought that it was rather funny that both of them got told off in two different ways. Mai took it all with stride but Eros not so much, stating he was getting smothered by her way too much. Lucette just told him to suck it up, which he complained about, then he had to get off the phone because she was around.

Lucette, herself, kept herself busy. Since it was Spring, it was a good idea to work on the garden, at least for a little bit. Ichthys offered to help, but it didn't exactly work that well. However, after watching for a very long time, and saying he won't help, Corvus eventually did. He was mostly saying that he has had enough of everything being done wrong. He was, surprisingly, a green thumb. The flowers he treated looked vibrant and healthy. Eventually, he actually kicked both Ichthys and Lucette out of garden duties and, ever since then, he was doing it himself.

Due to getting put out of a job, Lucette resorted to reading, but Ichthys still hovered about. Finally asking him one time what he wanted to do, he just said that he didn't know. On his own accord, he tried to go back to the garden, but it involved those two arguing again and him getting kicked out for the second time.

Lucette felt sorry for him since he seemed 'lost', so she really did want to help him find something to do. Reading was a no go, since he fell asleep more or less after reading the first paragraph. Cooking didn't work, since his 'food' looked like a science experiment gone wrong. Even doing some cleaning didn't help, since he would start and then get distracted by a piece of fluff. Lucette was about to give up, when she caught him on her balcony one day during the week, in the early afternoon.

"What are you doing?" She questioned him. He was sitting cross legged on the chair outside, with something in his hands.

"Oh, just doodling..."

"You can draw?"

"Now and then...."

He showed her what he was working on, and she took it and looked at the first page of the book that was open. She was amazed at what she was seeing. He did a sketch of what she had guessed was her garden. She was no artist, but she could tell it was well done.

"You're pretty good..."

"Ah ha, thank you! I got into it one day, when I saw someone painting. She gave me a paintbrush with paint on it and I painted a bit on her own canvas. Just in the corner. After that, I watched her for awhile. She told me that it was her favourite piece."

Lucette smiled. "How so?"

"Haha, it was her favourite piece because I doodled some complete nonsense in the corner. So, she regarded it as our first collaboration... But, erm....." He trailed off a little bit. "I never really did a full collab, however...."

She saw his face fall.

"If you don't mind me asking, was this your grandmother?"

"Yeah... She took up painting, so she pretty much painted a lot.... Most of her works are still hanging up, back at home. So, I suppose, I carried on the tradition?"

"Why don't you do it more often?"

"Hmm? Oh, I dunno..." He shrugged. "I never really thought about it..."

"Well, they're very good..." She handed him back the book, and he took it back.

"Y'know, she gave me this..." He held it up. "Due to its nature, it has never ending pages, so it's a never ending sketchbook... In truth, if you think that I have drawn something, you just have to say the object and it will show you what I've done... For example..." He put the book down and opened it. "Rose." The book's pages flipped on their own, and then stopped on a certain page. "Here..." He handed the book back to her and she took it.

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