26. Revelations

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Scrambling to make sure her cereal doesn't fall from her hands, Lucette steps back a bit, to take in what exactly happened. Standing there, smiling at her, was Nocte.

"Jeez, don't do that..." She laid the cereal on the side. "But, wait... Why are you here? In my house? How did you even get in?"

"Oh, well that's a secret..." he said, while causally tapping the side of his nose.

"Right.... Well, excuse me, but I have to finish what I was doing..." She turned away from him, gathered up her cereal equipment and walked over to the counter. Sitting down, she couldn't help but think she was missing something.

"Missing this?"

A spoon appeared at the side of her head and, turning around, she saw Nocte dangling a spoon.

"Ah.. Well... Thank you..." She took the spoon out of his grasp, and he walked around to the other side of the counter and sat opposite her. He was watching her with a hand under his chin. "Is there something on my face or...?"


"So, why are you watching me?"

"Beautiful ladies should be admired..."

"I seriously doubt that..." Lucette continued to eat her breakfast, clearly aware that he was still watching her. She ended up becoming a little self conscious of her eating habits because of him. "Is it that fascinating?"

"Not really..."


Lucette looked up at him and met his eyes. The striking green and dark hair, she felt like she had recently just seen those. Wait, the dream, it was, however, a long shot.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Nocte continued to watch her, with his hand under his chin. "Always..."

"Right... Ok... This may seem a little weird, but...." She fidgeted in the stool. "Do you know of anyone who looks like you, but female?"

Ah, just even asking that question sounded absolutely silly, she wished she could take it back.


"Huh?" She looked up and him and he looked forlorn. He wasn't looking in her direction anymore, but out the window instead. "Oh! I didn't mean to make you sad..."

"It's fine, but..." He turned to face her again. "That is kind of an odd question to ask..."

"Oh.. Ah, yeah... I just had a series of dreams that I'm confused about..."


Lucette smiled at him, and thought for a moment. Would it be better to tell him about it or the others? She never felt any ill will from him, even if he was 'odd' at times.

"It was like I saw the past of these three people. It felt so real, I could even smell and feel the air around me."

Nocte didn't say anything. He just stared at her, as she carried on.

"But I wasn't actually there, since I tried to touch one of them and my hand..." She looked down at her hand. "Phased right through them, like I was a ghost. But what I don't get is why was I seeing their pasts?"

"These three figures, I'm taking that, since you asked me, one of those figures was a woman who looked like me?"

"Ah, yes, a really beautiful lady actually..."

"I see... The other two?"

"One was a red horse, and the other was a man. I didn't get a good look at him... But his eyes stood out to me."

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