45. Aria

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Lucette could vaguely hear birds chirping, which must mean that it's morning. As she continued to lay there, the door creaked open, followed by a feeling of a presence staring at her. Opening one eye, she saw that Ichthys was staring directly at her, inches away.

"Whaaa...?" Startling her, she moved further back from his face.

"Morning!" Ichthys saluated her.

"What are you doing?" She questioned him.

"Nothing much..."

"My word, what is that awful racket.............." A grumpy voice mumbles halfway across the room, and Corvus' small bird head was peering over his bed. "Oh.. It's you..."

Ichthys smiled, spun around and walked over towards Corvus' bed and picked Corvus up, his legs dangling from his hands.

"It's too early for your nonsense...."

"Hey..." Ichthys directed that at Lucette. "I'm taking Covonia here and I'm also going to invite Oreos out.... You have the house to yourself today.... Toodles!"

Before she could get a say in, he marched right out her room, carrying Corvus with him. Did she hear that correctly? But, wait... It was a school day. But, before she ran after him, her phone started vibrating on the side. Making a quick decision on answering her phone first, she didn't even look at the caller ID as she answered.


A loud voice shouts on the other end of the phone, causing Lucette to move the phone away from her ear, Mai's name was showing as the one who rang her.

"Err.... Heard what?"

"School! Due to the incident with our dearly departed greaseball, school is closed for the whole WEEK!"

"Wait... What!?"

Lucette had completely forgotten about the passing of Mr Cartwright but, I suppose with her life, it was one thing after the next.

"Oh yeah, dad told me... Mrs Everest was going to just turn people away at the gate, but here's me getting the juicy deets before you go all out just to turn back."


"Well, aren't you a lucky sausage with this... Also, sorry I didn't get in touch.... DAD... Things... I mean if he keeps harassing me over summer break, I won't be happy..."

"Oh, it's ok... I've had things to keep me occupied, so don't worry."

"Damn, even I don't have one of those toys..."

"Excuse me?"

"Wait, so you weren't on about thooooose?"

"I have no idea what you are on about...."

"I wonder if mum would get me one..... Hmmm.... Oh, well... Oh ! Have you been in contact with King Kong?"

"Eros? Err, yeah... Why?"

"Because I can't, it says his phone is out of service? Or some nonsense.... Oh, well, at least I tried...."

Lucette knew Mai's attempt of 'trying' was ringing him once and that was it.

"I'm sure he's fine..."

"Oh.. Probably... Hmm? Oh nuts, mum wants me... Get extra sleep, I know I will... Laters!"


Mai ended the call first and Lucette stared at her phone. So school was closed for the week? I suppose it was one upside.

"Oh? Wait.... The guys!"

Remembering that Ichthys said that he was taking both Eros and Corvus somewhere, she ran downstairs, hoping they hadn't left. But, unfortunately, as she checked each room, it revealed to her that they already left.

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