118. The 'Plan'

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When Lucette's eyes opened again, she expected to see that room but instead it was a red flower field. As she stood up, she observed her surroundings, but she noticed that, just a few metres away from her, there was a familiar figure. When she noticed the figure, she smiled as she headed over to them and took a seat on a little wicker chair that was there. The figure smiled gently as she sat down.

"Lucien, what's up?"

Lucien gave her another smile. "It's come to my attention that things might not be what they seem...."

"Are you talking about the things that are happening right now?"

"Yes. The one that you were speaking to while you were in Infernus' domain is one hundred percent Nocte himself and not Mephisto."

"I thought so...."

"But it just doesn't make any sense...." Lucien crossed his legs. "We are missing something, a vital clue that ties everything together...."

"Are you aware of the coup?"

"I have heard about it, yes. They are calling it that to get Ichthys back and.... Something else?"


"But why?" Lucien went into deep thought. "I could see into people's hearts, and that boy was as pure as white snow...."

"They think otherwise...."

"And what do you think?" He looked in her direction, and she looked down at her hands and fiddled with her thumbs.

"I don't know...."

"Perhaps it's best to follow their lead for the time being.... Maybe they know more than this poor soul...."

"It's all very confusing because they reckon that he is this mysterious figure and, if that was true, he caused your death...." Lucette still didn't look up and continued to stare at her hands.

"Ah.... Well...."

The sound of a chair creaking rang through her ears, and she saw a pair of white shoes in front of her. As she lifted up her head, she saw that Lucien was standing in front of her.

"If I remember correctly, it was a suit of armour that did it...."

"Yeah, but...."

"Ah.... No buts, it is the truth."

"But, as the saying goes, it's not the guns that kill people, it's the people...."

Lucien sighed as he knelt in front of her. "I don't put the blame on anyone...." He then gave her a smile and then stood up. "Well, I see that you have figured out the true form of the power amplifier...."


"I had the sneaking suspicion about it for the longest time, but I was never really sure.... It only went a little haywire when you were around people you actually loved.... But I'm going to guess that, since you are now the 'goddess of love', it can work as intended...."

"Do you know if it always has to be....."

"For the strongest amount, I would say 'yes'." Lucien looked a little awkward after answering, but he coughed and carried on. "But I'm sure that you can convey the feeling of love in other ways for platonic and family members. Heh, if only our father knew the proper way to use it. I wonder where we would actually be right now."

"Do you miss him?"

"Father? No. But mother? Yes."

"I miss her too. Even after meeting her again...."

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