142. The Plan

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After Lucette had briefly explained to the boys what she wanted to do, they all stared at her in disbelief. Eventually, they all speak up.

"You want to do what?!"

"You can't be serious!"

"I won't allow it!"

Lucette stood firm in front of all three of them.

"Only those of my 'blood line' can use him, and he was wrongly summoned here. I was told by Sanctus that we can harness his powers and basically use him."

"And are you forgetting what that thing did to your family?" Corvus spoke up, crossing his arms.

"... I know that, but I want to try...."

"I don't see how.... That thing can...." Corvus continued sounding annoyed, with both Ichthys and Eros nodding along. "Plus you are going off of what one half of the crazy said!"

"Nocte also said to do it too..."

"And you believe him too?"


"Well, I'm against it."

"Luce..." Ichthys spoke up, sounding more concerned than annoyed. "This is Satanael, not a pet rabbit.... So I'm against this too...."

"As am I." Eros slips in.

Lucette looked at all three of them. "So all three of you are against it?"

"Yes." All of them said in unison.

"But what if using Satanael for our gain is our only chance?"

"Relying on that thing is not our only chance." Corvus spoke up again, with the other two backing him up, since they knew he wouldn't budge on this matter.

"But you can't be sure about that! But.. If I try it? Will you three try to stop me?"

All three of the boys looked at each other and, in this brief moment, they had all reached the same wavelength, and they started to speak one after another, with Ichthys starting and ending with Eros.

"In all honesty, we can't...."

"I mean we can try, but you will just find a way."

"So we are against it... But...."

"We can help."

All three of them said in unison.

"I suppose I can take that... So, shall we go?" She asked them, giving them a gentle smile.

The trio nodded, and all four of them left the room. As they travel towards the foot of the frozen beast, they notice that most of the castle was destroyed, so it was difficult to somewhat navigate. There were fallen remnants of what was left everywhere, and the group had to climb over various fallen pillars, doors and trudge through more debris. As she was climbing over a pillar, Lucette was glad that she was wearing a basic top and jeans.

As they climbed over another part of the fallen wall, Eros decided to go through a hole at the bottom instead of over. However, he got stuck and Lucette had to pull him out, with a push on the other side by Ichthys, he was able to get through. With that small incident, Eros decided to keep climbing over the obstacles instead of trying to go through it.

As they walked through a bit of the castle that was somewhat untouched by damage, Lucette found herself feeling curious about the fact that she hadn't seen little Sanctus in awhile. But she could still feel him there at least.

"Do you know what would be funny?" Ichthys spoke up.


He spun around making the group stop. "If Luce went into labour during all of this."

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