110. Nightmare

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A/N - Lime Warning

When Lucette opened up her eyes again, she didn't find herself in the arms of Corvus. Instead, she realised that she was laying on a bed of white flowers. Hoisting herself up, she realised that those flowers were daisies. As she looked around, she noticed that the entire place was littered with these daisies. However, the more she looked, the more she noticed a figure standing just a little ways away from her. Standing up, she started to head over to the figure and, when she got closer, she realised that it was Lucien, donning the white suit again.

"Lucien?" She called out to him.

In return, he turned and she saw that it was indeed Lucien. When he looked at her, he smiled.

"So you found out the secrets that those two kept, I see...."

"...Yes.... You knew?"

"Yeah, I did...." Lucien walked up to her and stopped. "I knew a future where you were with a child. Then Sanctus appeared and, even though he hid it, he couldn't hide everything in his heart, and I could easily tell who and what he was. I was glad to have met him. It's good to see that my future nephew will turn out to be a handsome young lad." Lucien smiled at her, but then his face faltered a little. "However, I'm not a huge fan of the rest of his parentage.... But beggars can't be choosers, I suppose...."

"You're against it?"

".... I think it's more along the lines of being an overprotective older brother. I always knew that something would have come from it, since you always hang around those two broods of his...."

"You mean Nocte there, right?"

"Yes. Honestly, I would love to have seen the face he will pull when he learns that he's actually a grandad. He'll probably have a right old sulk about it honestly."

"Ah ha...." Lucette hung her head. "Have you heard about..." She trailed off.

"I only know so much.... I don't have full cognition of what goes on outside.... But I can hazard a guess that it's about Mephisto?"


"I figured as much.... How much do you know about Mephisto?"

"Errr.... Not much? Only that Victus told me that Mephisto and Nocte are one in the same."

"Well, he was right.... However, I do wonder why he didn't fully tell you...." Lucien turned and, with a wave of his hand, a set of two white sofas appeared in the field of daisies, and he took a seat in one. He then gestured to the other sofa, and Lucette obliged and sat down. "I've had my dealings with the Mephisto side, I suppose Victus has asked you for your help? Considering you took over from me."

"He did, actually...."

"Ah...." Lucien sat back and crossed his legs. "I gathered as much. That technique can work, but it's just more of a suppressor. Nocte, himself, needs to come to terms with the fact that Mephisto is just him."

"Mephisto is like Lilith, isn't he?"

"Yes. Lilith acted out badly, but she has calmed down, and now you and her are the same. But, with Nocte, he's always rejected that side...." Lucien crossed his arms.

"Mephisto.... You said you had a deal with him before, was it back when he was a dragon eating what looked like a purple squid?"

"Oh?" Lucien raised his eyebrow. "How do you know about that?"

"Ah, a few months ago I had a dream about you, a few others and a massive black dragon...."

"Well, Mephisto does kind of materialise as a black dragon, yes. But yes, what you saw was the first dealings of that monster. Hmmm.... Maybe it's best for story time, huh?" Lucien leaned forward. "Ok then... Listen well...."

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