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"It's negative"

I hear the disappointment in Amber's tone and sigh, shaking my head. I look at Amber in my bathroom, standing in front of the mirror. She's frowning, but she still looks beautiful in her white silk nightgown with her hair piled into a messy bun.

"Are you sure?" I ask, grabbing my phone to check the time.

"Babe, it's one line. One line means negative"

I put my phone down and get out of bed. I walk into the bathroom and sigh when I see Amber's face fall with the realization of what could be the case.

"It's okay," I mumble softly, hugging her around the waist. "We'll try again tonight"

Amber's hand finds my arm and she looks at us in the mirror. A small smile crosses her face as she kisses my cheek gently before slipping out of my embrace.

"I think I'm going to the office today," she sighs.

"It's Friday," I frown. "Don't you have the day off?"

"I have a lot of paperwork to do"

Amber leaves the room and I rub my face, looking at myself in the mirror again. I can't help but wonder if this is all my fault.

Amber and I are trying to get pregnant. Since we're moving next year and Holly's getting older, we want another kid. Amber and I have been trying for about a month now. We visited the doctor the first time the test was negative just to make sure, but the doctor suggested Amber could be infertile, which explains the lack of results after two weeks.

I turn the tap on and splash the cool water on my face. Amber and I have been trying almost every night, barely getting any sleep. I know how much Amber wants to have a kid, and it's heartbreaking to see her face fall every time she takes that test.

I turn on the shower and pull my shirt over my head.

I don't know how to tell Holly or the rest of the guys that we're trying. I told Amber we should tell them when we're actually pregnant, but Amber's scared Holly will feel left out of the loop. I agreed and told Amber I'd have this conversation with Holly soon.


Holly's POV


"Piss off with that!" Harry yells, swerving his car into the wall to avoid my red shell.

"Suck it, boggo!" I shout, crossing the finish line in first place.

Harry and I have been playing Mario Kart for ages now. We're both in pajamas, messy hair and competitive moods.

Harry throws the controller into the sofa and groans, sliding off the sofa and onto the floor. It looks like he's melting.

"Get fucked," I smile sweetly, flipping him off with both hands.

"You two need to calm down and realize this is a game," Josh chuckles, shaking his head from the kitchen. "You kids are nightmares with these video games"

Harry and I glance at each other and break into smiles. Josh honestly acts so old sometimes.

"Okay grandpa," I reply, rolling my eyes as I pick my car for the next round.

"Call me that one more time and I'll unplug the TV!"

"For fuck's sake, Josh," Harry laughs. "Stop being so old, you unseasoned cabbage!"

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