• Sexuality Conflict •

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Holly's POV

"He likes you, you know?"

I smile at Lilian and continue to pet her dog. Moon is her black labrador and he has slowly become my best friend over the past few weeks that JJ and I have lived in this small neighborhood. Lilian is also one of my newfound friends. She's a sweet old lady of eighty-five and lives right next door. 

"He's the only male who seems to like me these days," I reply, scratching Moon's belly.

Moon opens his mouth showing a smile and his tongue falls out. His eyes gleam and look at me in fascination. He's adorable.

"A pretty young lady like you shouldn't have trouble with the boys," Lilian says, folding her hands in her lap as she observes my face. "High cheekbones, slim face, nice jawline, pretty smile, and beautiful eyes. Your hair reminds me of my younger sister. She always had such gorgeous silky long hair"

I blush as the compliments flow from Lilian's mouth. She's a sweet old lady, but she's also sharp and truthful. She's amazing, but she won't take shit from anyone.

My phone buzzes on the floorboards next to me and I sigh when I see JJ's text telling me to come back home. I stand from where I'm sat and stretch before giving Lilian a hug.
Lilian and I have been sitting in the front garden. Her in her rocking chair and me on the floor with the dog. It's cold, but Lilian got the blankets from her closet and made me some hot chocolate.

"Gotta go, Lilian," I sigh, releasing her from my hug. "See you soon"

"See you soon, my lovely. Be good and don't stress your dad out too much"

Lilian yells that last part as I skip down the front stairs of her porch area and onto the grass. I jog home and open the door, shutting it behind me as the cold wind follows.

"Holly, is that you?" JJ yells from somewhere upstairs.

"No, it's the pope," I call back, rolling my eyes.

"Very funny," JJ replies, jogging downstairs in his gym wear.

I follow JJ into the kitchen and watch as he prepares a water bottle.

"Are you going to the gym?"

JJ nods.

"Can I go to the cafe? I need to get some work done for school and I don't wanna be home alone"

I rest my arms on the top of one of the kitchen chairs. I lower my chin onto my forearms and look at JJ through my eyelashes, hoping for him to say yes.

"If you don't want to be home alone, why don't you come to the gym with me, silly girl?"

"Because I don't wanna be around sweaty people," I reply, wrinkling my nose at the thought of the sound, loud music and smelly people. "Can I please go to the cafe? I don't feel safe here alone"

JJ studies my face before frowning. His arms are crossed and I sigh, rolling my eyes at his inability to let me do anything without questioning it first and in timely length.

"First of all, don't roll your eyes at me. Secondly, why don't you feel safe alone here?"

I shrug and pretend I don't know.

I do know. I know very well why I feel uneasy being home alone.
I had a nightmare a couple of nights ago. It was about my biological father and he was touching me again. I couldn't shut my eyes that night because all I could see was his face, that disgusting smirk on his face. Thankfully, I didn't wake JJ up screaming or anything. I know it's dumb, but I feel like my biological father could find me if he wanted to.

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