Chapter 1: A new member of the Jaeger

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Y/N pov

???: You are weak lil' bro!

???: Y/N No

Y/N & ???: MOM!

I jumped out of bed in breathing heavily, and looked around, and realize that I woke late today, because I haven't slept well yesterday. My head was spinning a little, but all in all I feel fresh today. I went out of my room and wanted to go outside and help my adoptive mother on the roof. I wanted to grab my scarf but it was gone?

Y/N: I swear I had it on yesterday, Mrs Jaeger couldn't wash it that quickly, could she?

I ran up quickly to ask her if she did

Y/N: Mrs Jaeger? Where is my-

Mrs Jaeger: Eren borrowed it, I allowed him.

Y/N: Mrs Jaeger, Eren is the last person I let him borrow anything, he was able to break my mug just by holding it, and that scarf is my most valued item, it was my biological mom's.

Mrs Jaeger: Y/N, you can call me mom, you are Jaeger now, and don't worry, I told Eren if tore it, I will ground him. 

Y/N: Thanks.............. mo... *cringes*, mom. 

Mrs Jaeger: *smiles* wanna help me?

Y/N: Yep

Well, she is not wrong, I am part of the Jaegers, but I am conflicting between Y/N Jaeger and Y/N L/N. I help my new mom with the laundry with at least half of the clothing belong to Eren, that numb skull always changes his outfit twice a day, he always got himself into fights, I will be there most of the time to save him. I was a trained killer when I was born, trained by my original father, until I was 10 when I learned the exact truth on the cruelty of the L/N clan.

Hours later, still Y/N pov

Mr Jaeger: Y/N can you get your mom to the dining table?

Y/N:  Mr Jaeger? What hap-

Mr Jaeger: I will explain everything later

After bringing Mrs Jaeger to the dining table, I saw a pretty girl sitting down on my side of the chair, wearing....... MY SCARF!! EREN YEAGAAAAAA!!!!!

Y/N: Mr Jae- *Mrs Jaeger taps me and raises both eyebrows*  D- Dad, who is she?

Mr Jaeger: This is Mikasa, Mikasa Ackerman..............

Sudden flashback

Y/N: Isn't the Ackerman the eradicated?

???: Tsk, did mom shove that down your throat?

Y/N: Elise...... why are you so mean to mom?

???: Will you two knock it off. Lil' bro, mom told you that to not scare you. You'll be the next leader, so man up.... alright big guy? 

Elise: The multiple irony in that sentence, Lennon.

Lennon: Elise, stop being an ass- father!

Father: News come up of an Ackerman clan members living in Wall Maria. Y/N, you'll lead my son.

Elise: He's only 8!

Father: I killed my first boar when I was four.

Flashback ends

Y/N: *low groaning* 

Mrs Jaeger: Y/N? What happened?

I realize that I was about to tear up.

Y/N: Nothing, can I be excused?

Mrs Jaeger: You are excused my boy.

I walked back to my room and sat at my bed holding my head. I realize that even though if I agree to help to eradicate the Ackermans, I still wouldn't, who would kill a cute girl like her? I am not L/N!, I am a Jaeger! I feel footsteps approaching my door, and before I could say anything, the door opened to show, Mr Jaeger came inside.

Mr Jaeger: Anything you want to tell me, L/N?

Y/N: Sir, I have been having flashbacks and nightmares of the same thing recently, all about the mission of eradication of....... the Ackerman.

Mr Jaeger: I understand, just remember no one can hurt you here, I still do not understand how you survived that day, but I'm glad you did.

Y/N: Please don't tell Mikasa, please?

Mr Jaeger: If I kept this from my own wife why would I tell the Ackerman herself.

We both laugh and he pats my back, after a small chat about my nightmare, I went to sleep. Waking up the next after having the same nightmare again, I decided to have a walk around Shiganshina, without my scarf on me, I felt the breeze on my neck flowing and on my small entry and exit wound on my throat and vertebrae. The scar wasn't that obvious, it is as if a knife accidently sliced my throat, only a discoloration. In a distant, I feel a leg movement trying to hit someone. I sprint to the where that sensation was and realize it was Eren getting hit by a bully....... again. I sighed and before I could charge forward, Mikasa swooped in and saved Eren. She was impressive in defeating both bullies, but a little sloppy. I then felt one of the bully taking something out of his pocket. I sprint behind him and grabbed his hand seconds before he could stab Mikasa.

Y/N: Didn't your mother taught you not to play with blades?

Bully #1: AH! IT'S Y/N!

Bully #2: I was trying to honor that girl with my knife! I swear!

Y/N: *unimpressed glaring* What did I say about hitting my adoptive brother *Twist his hand*

Bully #2: Ok! OK! I'm sorry

Y/N: I won't do that if I were you, *Look to the shadowy dark area to my left* I can see you

Bully #3: How did you? Argh!

The bully charged to me with a crowbar, I dodge the attack, by moving my upper body to the left, I put both my hands behind me and like the water, I flow smoothly, dodging from the aggressive attack of the bully. As he got tired, for the last time I dodge to the left and his back is directly in front of me, when I saw an opening on his jaw, I pulled back my right hand and swiftly punch his jaw, knocking him out. 

Y/N: Tsk, brute...... Who's next? 

They all ran away, Mikasa picked Eren up and he yelled at both of us for helping him.

Mikasa: I was only trying to help you Eren......

Eren: I don't need anyone helping me. *Runs away*

Y/N: The two years I spent with him, he is always getting into trouble, even with the soldiers, and hates help......

Mikasa: I will still protect him..... Y/N was it? Thank you for saving me.

Y/N: You're welcome Mikasa.

I decided to walk home after that, Mikasa decided to find Eren. When I was walking home, I bumped into Eren's friend, Armin Arlert.

Armin: Hi Y/N!

Y/N: Hey Armin.....

Armin: Have you seen Eren?

Y/N: He's upset, so probably the usual area

Armin: *sigh* again....... ok see you!

Y/N: Bye!

Well these two days has been interesting.....

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