Chapter 130: The War On All Fronts

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Mikasa: Wait, isn't our job is to make sure that the Mid-east don't attack us?

Y/N: That was our original plan, but, right now, it is impossible, Eldia must be ready for war...

Mikasa: But won't that ruin our reputation? We'll be hated-

???: No, you won't we have enough evidence gathered for the world to see

Y/N: You must be Hamza?

Hamza: Indeed, this is my student Ismail Siddiq *points to another person walking in*... You must be Y/N L/N... Odd I was expecting you to be.....

Y/N: Older?

Hamza: Yes, with all the stories I've heard, you should be at least 30

Y/N: I'll explain everything when this is over, for now, we need a disguised name

Hamza: Very well.... You are a leader, yes? *Y/N nods* There is a name to signify a person who is of leadership... A prince, a commander, a leader. 

Y/N: Oh wow, what's the name?

Hamza: Amirul (Uh-mee-rool)

Y/N: Amirul huh? I like it

Hamza: Lady Mikasa, you are noble, a warrior maiden, you are indeed a woman of power and you gave inspired most of our female rebels

Mikasa: And that name is?

Hamza: Armina

Mikasa: What? *Y/N snickers*

 Hamza: Don't like that name?

Mikasa: Yes

Y/N: We have a non-related brother that's called Armin.

Ismail: Oh.... Then you shall be called Meliha, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman

Mikasa: I'll take that

Ismail: Yes because nothing is more stunning than the stunning beauty of thee

Mikasa: Uhhhh... *grabs hold of Y/N's arm* Meet my murderous, psychotic, overprotective husband, Y/N Fenrir L/N of the Hidden Wolf Tribe, and the Prince of Eldia. *Y/N does a "Now would you look at that" face gesture*

Ismail: Husband? 

Hamza: Can we not discuss this now?

Y/N: Incoming Policemen













It have been four days.....

Hamza and Y/N caught the mercenaries sent to kill off Annie and Armin, they were in a blank as they head home back to Eldia because Annie was already missing Mason. It was not hard catching the mercenaries, they did a sloppy work that caused Y/N and Hamza to kill them with a very disappointed expression, returning back to base, they were standing at the strategy room known as The Box. Mikasa and Ismail was already there, Ismail has been gotten really close to Mikasa and she did not like it.

Y/N and Hamza then entered The Box after ensuring Armin's safety, to see that Ismail was trying to get Mikasa's attention. For every move he made, Mikasa will always take one step away from him. Angering both Y/N and Mikasa, Hamza decided to just stop the dispute between Ismail and The L/Ns. Pulling Ismail away and shoving Mikasa unto Y/N's arm, The L/Ns were chuckling and Ismail was not having it. 

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