Chapter 4: 104th Cadet Corps

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Mikasa pov

Keith Shadis: My name is Keith Shadis......

This is the most bored I've ever felt. This Shadis guy wants to look intimidating, but he has not effect on me. Then, it comes, the time where we need to introduce ourselves, I snapped out of my daydream when I heard Armin's name.

Shadis: About face maggots!

He walked toward me and yelled

Shadis: Mine telling  me your name maggot!

Mikasa: Mikasa Ackerman, Shigashina district! I am the adopted sister of Eren Jaeger and Y/N Jaeger!

Shadis: Eren *mumbles*....... Y/N Jaeger? My top cadet of the 103rd?

Mikasa: Yes sir......

Shadis: At ease cadet!

I did so and he walked to Eren

Shadis: What is your problem kid?

Eren saluted the head instructor

Eren: Nothing sir! Eren Jaeger! Shiganshina District! Sir, did my adopted brother refer to himself as a Jaeger?

Shadis: I'm the one asking questions Jaeger! *punches Eren*

I wanted to punch the instructor but I remembered what Y/N said.


Y/N: Shadis is always testing your reflex and strength, when your strength is bad but have a good reflex, use it on him, and vice versa. Don't take a lot he say seriously, patient is also needed.....

Flashback end 

I composed myself and stood still, I saw a boy in front of me, he looks like a horse, and he can't stop staring at me. I still don't care about anything and continue to daydream, about seeing that Mary-girl being dumped my Y/N, I smiled at that thought.

Jean pov

Did she smiled at me? She noticed me...... ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mikasa pov

Shit, my smile was obvious......

A month later

My hair is shorter now, and now I definitely know that horseface is trying to be with me, but my heart is set to........ actually I am still a little in conflict between Eren and Y/N, after knowing Y/N has a girlfriend,  and called me his sister easily. I don't know anymore, all I know is I need to protect Eren. Today was ODM training. 

Instructor #1: Who gonna bet Jaeger's gear is broken like the other Jaeger?

Instructor #2: What are the odds of that happening?

I was confused when I heard until I saw Eren falling head first to the ground

Mikasa: Ereh!!!!

After another day of trying out the training, I saw the instructors laughing at the other instructor that lost the bet, he was able to hold  for 20 seconds before falling over and bumped his head.

Armin: Sir, could it be possible that Eren's gear is broken?

Shadis: Jaeger! come here!

The gear was broken, what do those instructors know? Eren was congratulated by Shadis and the rest of the training went well.

A Jaeger Worth Loving (Mikasa x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now