Chapter 67: The Fort Liberation

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Gabi pov

I was running in the field without my uniform with at least eight stick grenades tied to my foot. When I was close enough to the impermeable pillbox and armored train, I dropped to my stomach, untie the string, and unlatch the safety and pull the string and throw it to the pillbox, it exploded and the train derailed and the pillbox was crushed by the train.

Gabi: Yes!!!... *gasp*

I saw a cannon pointed to me, I thought I was going to die when it shot at me but someone pushed me and we drop into a foxhole, the person hold me close to his chest, shielding me from the explosion. When the debris stopped falling, he speaks

Y/N: You alright?

Gabi: Captain Cyrus! *excited expression* You're alright!

Y/N: More or less, *shoots a green flare*

Suddenly I saw a familiar titan, Porco jumped onto the wall and breaking the cannons on the wall, Cyrus then shot a blue flare

Sam pov

Sam: Looks like the kid survived, sir.

Daniel: Right, *blew whistle*

We all charge forwards with our bayonets fixed, Shadow was of course behind me, our priority right now is to protect Y/N from further injury, because he's valuable and because I don't want Mikasa to waterboard me before killing me. I then saw the cart titan with a pillbox to its back charging forward.

Y/N pov

Y/N: Gabi stay down, you did a great job today, *ruffles her hair*

Gabi: Yes sir!

I took out my pistol, moving only elbow and pointing my pistol up and saw Pieck handling those in the trenches surrounding the fort. I ran forward and jumped into the trench, I turn to the right and shot five Mid-east soldiers, almost emptying my first set of ammo, I ran into the trench pillbox, shooting three more soldiers in the process, when I turned around I was aiming at Sam.

Sam: Nothing is real! *raise hands*

Y/N: Everything is permitted, *lowers gun*

Sam: Glad to see you recovered Y/N- Cyrus.

Y/N: Too close Thaddeus, *bro hug, then separate* Status?

Sam: We were able to reach the fort yesterday but we didn't realize the train, so we pulled back, some of us are shell shocked.

Shadow: *jumped in with a combat knife* Enemy sighted.

Shadow grabbed the first mid-east soldier's right shoulder, confusing him, did a side vault, kicking the other one behind behind the first mid-east soldier. The second soldier was kicked hard till he collided with a third soldier. After the kick, shadow grab the head of the first soldier to make him face up while he slit the soldier's throat, he then immediate turn his body and stretching his arm, that was holding the knife, out, throwing his knife to the second soldier's chest. The soldier fell down, which allowed Shadow to run and kick the the third soldier hard on the chest. The third soldier flew back onto the wall of the trench and fell on his stomach, Shadow walked to the third soldier, stepped on the soldier's neck and twisting his foot, snapping the soldier's neck, killing him. He then looked at me and Sam.

Y/N: *raise both eyebrows* Not bad, the second one is still alive though.

Shadow: Yeah, I missed his head, *took out pistol and shot the second soldier's head* now he's dead. Hey Thad Guy, 3 kills

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