Sierra 117, Master Chief

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Chapter 117: Alexander Victor

Y/N pov,

We were all running in the forest in line and running aimlessly in the forest trying to find the flag. We ran for ten minutes till I felt a small flap directly behind. 

Y/N: Freeze! *everyone stopped running* 

Victor: Wha-.... I hear a flap

Y/N: Up there

Victor: Damn... It's high up- Oh

I began climbing up the tree easily, the flag was not that high so I don't have to climb to high, getting the flag, I drop down, and my squad were impressed. We then ran back to the starting point, on our way back, Victor started a conversation for us. 

Victor: So, you all aiming for the Garrisons or Scouts?

Y/N: Scouts

Mary: You're crazy to join the scouts

Y/N: Well to protect my brother I must, because he has made his mind

Jason: Still what if you die before his graduation?

Y/N: Then I'll die knowing that I hold my cause, protecting my little brother.

Mason: That's your question Jason?

Elias: Don't you have more to live for?

Mary: Yeah, like starting a family?

Y/N: No, my life died on that river

Mary: *saddened* Maybe you'll get a restart, *mumbles* With me

Mason: Did I hear that correctly Miss?

Mary: What?

Mason: You said something

Mary: He'll get a restart

Mason: No you- *stepped on a line*

My eye went wide and out of instinct I dive forward, not knowing that an animal trap was activated, all of my squad members were lifted into the air inside a net, left dangling, I only looked at them in surprise

Victor: A boar trap! In the fucking training ground?! WHO'S FUCKING BLOODY IDEA WAS TO PUT THIS HERE?

Y/N: You guys okay?

Victor: Yeah

Elias: Goddamn- Ey! Get you foot away from my ass

Jason: Get you ass out of my foot

Mason: *sitting down with Mary on top* I'm fine, sorry Mary

Mary: *mumbles* Would prefer Y/N substitute over you

Mason: What?

Mary: *covers Mason's mouth* 0_0.... don't... tell... anyone lad *dark and low tone*

Mason: *nods and muffled* I won't

Victor: Y/N! Search for a source of the nets, there is a way to lower the nets, careful not to break the friction lever or  there won't be another way down but a fall to our death

Y/N: On it

I looked at the line and found the counter weight, but there was someone unexpected there, he had a knife and was cackling.

Y/N: Alberto...

Alberto: Sorry, Just want to make sure, none of you get back and be a soldier, better yet kill you all, and rape that redhead's corpse. *breaks the friction lever* 

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