Chapter 80: Into The Fire, Part Finale

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Y/N pov

We were taking the jeep close enough to not get spotted, we started our mission on foot from now on, the Marley there were digging the trenches and there were about 4 sets of trenches that we have to break through in order to enter the Marley Capitol. We decided to spread out and rendezvous at the desert border in between Marley Capitol and the desert. I was walking through their encampment in the cover of darkness and using anything I can find to hide in. We can't kill anyone because it can cause alarms and high alerts. I was almost seen by a squad of Marleyans, I was hiding behind a barrel and whistled. All of them were on high alert and surround where I was, I was really expecting them all to walk in a straight line, then again, that is not tactically correct. I looked to my right and teleported into a trench, due to my Prediction, I can see that no one was in there, I jumped out of the trench and sprint quietly away from them towards the Capitol. After about an hour of running, crouching, slip and fall on a rock and vaulting over barrels and vehicles, I reached the border of the Capitol, and sat there. Another hour passes by and they both finally arrived.

Y/N: You guys took too long.

Sam: You have the most experience my lord.

Shadow: I'm new so bear with me.

Y/N: Alright, so the capitol building, the big building with the big dome is the target?

Shadow: Yeah, ok if we use the alleyway and the using the sewer systems we can-

Y/N: You know, I don't give two shits that you know about the shortcuts or the hidden alleyways, I brought you because you are the second strongest among all of us.

Shadow: Thank you uncle.

Y/N: *sighs* You're welcome neph- nephew.

Shadow: Wait, how do you plan on sneaking in?

Sam: Don't tell me you are pulling the Utopia invasion.

Y/N: No, flat lands are our specialty-

Sam: More like shadow's blonde specialty

Shadow: Wha- Oh fuck you Cunt-way.

Sam: Whatever Shallow.

Y/N: *glares at them* Stop

Sam & Shadow: Sorry.

Y/N: As I was saying, since flat lands are our specialty, obstacles are our friends.

Sam: Wha- *suddenly smiles* Ohhhhh.

Y/N: Shadow can you climb a building?

Shadow: Of course I can, why?

Y/N: Keep up.

Sam and I ran straight to a building and climbed it, when we reach the top, we scanned the area and saw that no Marleyans had a guard post this height, so the tall buildings are our safe zone, and the those below this level, the fifth level, are red zones, exact stealth required, however there are lookouts in some building. Then we turn around to see Shadow finally got onto the roof and was breathing heavily.

Sam: Wow, first building and you're dying?

Y/N: Sam, you took the whole day to climb a building during our first training.

Sam: You were hard on me my lord.

Y/N: That's because you were a whiny fuck.

Sam: You were a whiny fuck when you returned from the 55th expedition.

Y/N: I lost my family dumbass.

Sam: I lost my actual family too, check your fucking comebacks heartless fuck.

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