Chapter 28: The Drink

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Flashback to 18 days before the 57th expedition, Y/N pov

Y/N: Who's turn was it?

Nanaba: Mine.

She bought us the drinks and I was confused into why the drinking age differs from different walls, In Wall Sina you have to be 21 to drink, in Rose, 20, in Maria 18. 

Miche: You getting drunk?

Y/N: I can feel it coming, you?

Miche: I'm on the edge, but I am definitely can't stand up straight.

Nanaba came back with three huge pints of drinks. Wow, those are huge. I felt bad for letting her buy those for us-

Nanaba: The bartender gave a huge discount for this.

Nevermind, I looked at the bartender, and he gave me a small salute, I gave him a nod.

Miche: What did he say to you after? *swirling a bit* Better nor be-

Y/N: He's just showing us gratitude.

Nanaba: Miche is getting drunk.

Y/N: He is.

We three decided to have a chugging contest. Miche won, because of course he did, I was only a second behind him and Nanaba was 2 seconds behind me. That was a bad idea, we were all severely drunk after. We were in Trost and had to ride back to the castle.

Miche: My fingers looks like meat. *drunk as shit*

Y/N: They are.

Miche: Right, you think you will ever get a promotion Y/N? You are a suitable Section Commander..... Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm what? Did you say something? *swirling but a sharp reaction*

Nanaba: Y/N *Hiccup* How come- How come a guy like you be single?

Y/N: I'm not, I have a girlfriend.

Nanaba: Is it me?

Y/N: What? No!

Nanaba: Oh *sad face*... Miche am I yours?

Miche: I smell like shit.

Nanaba: Is that a ye- *falls backwards*

Y/N: Always the first to get knocked out.... Oh god woah *head was spinning*

Miche: Do you think that Nanaba likes me?

Y/N: Donno

Miche: I think I gonna pass out, gahhhhh

Y/N: Come on, we have to go-

Mikasa: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey sexy.

Mikasa: *blushes* Y/N not so obvious......

Y/N: I'm not the one who drop the corset in the fi-

Mikasa: *smacks Y/N mouth* Shhhhh!

Reiner: Wow....

Bertholdt: We should probably get them back to the castle.

Reiner: I'll get Y/N

Mikasa: No, Y/N is mine.

Reiner: You expect me to carry Nanaba? A little sketchy Mikasa.

Mikasa: *sighs* Fine, I'll carry Nanaba

Y/N: Reiner.

Reiner: Captain.

Reiner picked me up and I put my hand over his shoulder, I am 5 centimeters taller than him, he was struggling a bit but I was trying to not- uh  oh..... Blackout-

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