Chapter 13: Leisure Time & Confession

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Y/N pov The next day 0730H

Sitting in the messhall.

Nanaba: Argh! my head hurts.

Miche: Mine too.... How are you normal?

Y/N: Because my head is already hurt beforehand.

Nanaba: Come on Y/N, I am not in the mood to feel bad for you

Y/N: I didn't tell you to do so *mumbling loudly* and I am not denying that I am hungover.

Miche: We all are.

Erwin: Y/N, I need yo- why do you two look so miserable?

Nanaba: We three were drinking

Erwin: As usual Y/N looks the same

Y/N: I... am trying... to suppress myself from shouting

Erwin: I can see that, but I need the three of you to be ready, because we are using the castle instead, since Levi squad is already comfortable

Y/N: Sir, let them rest, they need more sleep, I can handle the rest.

Erwin: Fine, but take the other sober scouts, you might need help.

Y/N: Yes sir.

Nanaba: Thanks Y/N...

I stood up and was shot with a huge headache, I groaned a little but was able to compose myself and walk towards the other half-awake scouts, approaching Gelgar and one other random scouts, Liam. 

Y/N: Gelgar, Liam I need you to replace Nanaba and Section Commander Miche for the time being.

Gelgar: Drinking again sir?

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it.... make sure you all look presentable, as a veteran, set an example

Liam: I might need to comb my hair.

Gelgar: You already look like shit, want to look more than shit?

Liam: fuck you too Gelgar

Y/N: Just report the parade square by 0805h

Both scouts: Yes Captain.

I walked to the bathroom, my head was spinning very badly, I can never get use to a hungover, I stepped inside to wash my face.

Armin: Y/N?

Y/N: Hey Armin....

Armin: You look tired? Are you okay?

Y/N: Just a little hungover

Armin: I thought you said you'd never drink

Y/N: I was fifteen Armin.... Of course I've said I won't drink, now I'm 21, I can do whatever I want.... sorry, my head is just spinning.

Armin: It's fine, you should rest

Y/N: Nope, I'll be fine, you should have seen me fight a titan drunk.... It was funny, I laughed at every time a titan misses me... Levi was so mad at me, I got a timeout after the fight.

Armin: *Laughs* You? Timeout?

Y/N: What, I was drunk don't judge me, when you're drunk, you do some incredibly questionable things

Armin: *Laughs* I can't imagine

Y/N: I can't believe I got a timeout as an adult

Armin: *Laughs* This Levi sounds like your dad.

Y/N: Oop- no, no no no

Armin: *Laughs*

Jean: Armin, who are you- Oh Captain Y/N

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