Chapter 75: Into The Fire, Part 5

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Y/N pov (lemon)

I woke up naked cuddling with Pieck, I jumped but then relaxed knowing that I broke up with Mikasa yesterday. Pieck's thick ass was so soft on my manhood. Pieck than slowly woke up and wiggled her ass on my crotch, both of us chuckled and she turned around to bury her face on my chest, when cuddling up to me.

Pieck: I love you so much Y/N

Y/N: I love you too.... Pieck?

Pieck: Yes sweetheart?

Y/N: Thank you for making me happy again.

Pieck: Awwww *pecks lips* You are so cute.

Y/N: You're cuter sweetie

Pieck: You want to say it or I say it?

Y/N: We'll say it together

Y/N & Pieck: You readers thought we're together, huh? Well, we're not.

Pieck: Although I wish this was real.

Y/N: Wait, What!?

Mikasa: I am going to kill you author!

Y/N: Mikasa, no.

A/N: Hehe, SIKE!!!!!! If you guys can, write down your REACTIONS here, I want to know how you all feel. Alright, I'm sorry for doing that...... Let's just- *laughs* Let's just get into the actual chapter. Huh? *screams* Mikasa put that sword away! Miiiiikasa! *runs away*

Mikasa: Come back here!!!!

Y/N: *sighs* Onto the actual story............

Y/N: Now

Mikasa pov

I cannot find Y/N anywhere, this base is too large and I am starting to lose my mind, I went back to the scouts' camp near the Liberio dock, when I was there I could see Eren and Armin, catching up with one another. I went to them and tried to ask them if they know where Y/N is.

Mikasa: Eren, Armin.

Eren: Hi Mikasa,

Armin: Mikasa.... you look anxious, what happened?

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