Chapter 27: The Survivor and the Culprits

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Y/N pov

Y/N: Fuck *get slapped, but grappled back to the wall of the tower* Fucking Filth! *slices off the nape of the titan that slapped him*

Nanaba: Captain! You alright?

Y/N: *Grappled next to her* I'll be fine, how's your gas?

Nanaba: Not good, We can't hold this long sir.

Y/N: Wait, where's Gelgar?

Gelgar: Ahhhh! *grabbed by a titan*

Nanaba: Gelgar!!!


Nanaba: Huh? *out of gas* What *gasp after seeing four titan staring at her*

Y/N: Nanaba! *grabs her arm and flew back up to the tower*

Gelgar: Help me please!

Y/N: Places Nanaba on the top of the tower.

Krista: Y/N! Your head is bleeding.

Y/N: Deal with it. * Jumped of to save Gelgar*

Gelgar: AHHHHHHH- *Body bitten in half*

Y/N: Shit- Woah *evade a slap on titan* 

I flew back up onto the tower. My gas finally ran out. I had teary eyes, so did Nanaba. Both me and Nanaba had one set of blades left with no gas.

Ymir: Connie, give me that knife

Connie: Huh? Here.

Ymir: Krista, there is something I want to show you.

Y/N: Reiner, you ok?

Reiner: A titan bit me but I will be fine.

Y/N: We'll get that healed later, don't die on me Reiner.

Reiner: How can I? you still owe me a drink.

Y/N: Yeah. It's my turn isn't it?

Just then I feel a body movement trying to jump off the tower.

Y/N: Ymir! NO!

When she did, once again, I felt an electrical surge.... another one?

I looked over the ledge and saw the most creepiest titan yet, but she was fast and quick, I can barely read her movement, Krista then jumped on the ledge and scream to Ymir. All of us were scared of our lives, but something was off about Bertholdt, he had his right hand close to his mouth..... Ok I understand Levi and Erwin point of view now.... 


Y/N: Krista!?

Ymir did so, and the tower start to shake, Ymir's titan stood in front of Krista

Ymir's titan: Hold. on. to. me

We all did and he jumped, but a titan grabbed her leg, I leaped backwards and killed the titan, but we did fall to the rubble. I got up instantly, and saw the sun rising. Blood was dripping from my forehead on my fringe side, my left arm was stiff, and I am starting to lose my vision, I tried quick healing but, I can't focus well on it because of titans coming in every 5 seconds, and I can't activate my combined attribute in front of them. We are going to die, but a death of a soldier. Just then, Mikasa came in slicing the nape of at least two titans, Eren was able to kill one and was excited before being grabbed a titan, Hange saved him and Mikasa caught him. All of them flew above me in a arrow formation and killed the rest of the titans nearby, I then dropped on my knees, and was relieved. Mikasa land next to me and gave a tight hug, I fell backwards and she kissed me. After separating, she looked at me

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