Chapter 18: Survey Mission

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Y/N pov

After another day of training, I could see a huge improvement in the section. Today is the day of the survey mission, time to see how good the 104th are in front of real titans. I was on H/N on the other side of the wall in Trost. We had to climb up the wall and hoist the horses down, because a titan decided to kick it, while the other blocked it with a boulder. I chuckled to myself at the odds of that happening. When we reached the bottom, Hange gave a final debrief before riding out for the Survey Mission. As she was talking two titans approaches us.

Y/N: I got it *taps H/N neck twice and it ran*

Hange: I want to dissect that horse.... anyways, our mission today is to survey the area-

I rode fast towards the titans and leap backwards, taking out my swords before shooting my ODM gear at the tall one, I zipped towards it face, stabs it's eyes and pull in back to make it fall forward, I quickly took out my swords, and release my grapple and shoot it at the other shorter titan next to me, maneuver around it. I saw the other titan getting up, and when he is at the position I wanted, I pulled my grapple and shot it the taller titan and since the titans are aligned, I went and got myself a double kill, and I land back onto H/N, putting my swords back into my scabbard.

Y/N: *sighs* Filth. *looks at my hands covered in titan blood* no no-


Lennon: Do it bro, time to prove your worthiness, kill that Ackerman

10 Year Old Y/N: *Looking at a happy family sitting outside of their house 60 meters out* I... I can't.

Elise: I knew it, he's a pussy *grabs Y/N's gun*

Y/N: I have killed people before.... No!

I was able to disarm my 16 year old bigger sister, and pin her to the ground, my brother got angry and kicked the side of my body, my priority now is to not let my gun go. I stood up and I saw four other men surrounding, my sister and brother stood next to each other

Lennon: Remember who's the real enemy Y/N *in a worried serious tone*

Y/N: What has the Ackermans done to us recently, except existing?

Elise: That's the point you stupid muttonhead! Why did mom prefer you over me!?

Y/N: What? That doesn't make sense!

Unknown assassin #1: Sir, you sure we want to keep this up?

Lennon: Hold it, he's young he'll understand soon, the threats of the Ackerman.

Unknown assassin #2: I don't know sir...

Elise: Lennon, I can feel people's feelings, he is not changing anytime soon.

Lennon: *Sighs* Mom's made you soft *trying to signal the four men to shoot Y/N*

I suddenly felt a movement made by Lennon, my brother whom I played with, tried to kill me, easily. I got wide eyed and quickly turn to kill one of the assassin, dropping the rifle I charged to the one on the right, releasing my left hidden blade and stabbing the one of my father's men on his chest dropping him on the floor and quickly gun it to the forest. 

Elise: What was that?

Lennon: Impossible, one of his three attributes...... is Prediction.

Elise: That can't be true, can't it?

Unknown assassin #3: They're both dead sir.

Lennon: We'll hunt my brother down, that attribute, at the hand of a traitor can lead to our downfall.

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