Chapter 63: The Marley Officers

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Y/N pov

Y/N: Remember, Yelena stated that we have a collaborator that is working as an officer there too, he's a lieutenant too.

Sam: Right, What is his name again?

Y/N: Zeke Adams.

Sam: Like the monkey titan?

Y/N: That's Zeke Jaeger.

We walk towards the market area to buy ourselves some food before heading towards the military base.

Sam: Octopus?

Y/N: A sea creature with tentacles, they taste good.

Sam: The fact the Marleyans alphabets are the only thing that is different to our language, just makes me wish we are still on the ship learning.

Y/N: Scared?

Sam: No.

Y/N: Because I am

Sam: Y/N-

???: You know, Marleyans don't walk like a pair of devils.

Y/N: *back still facing the person* You must be Zeke.

Shadow: My bunkmates call me Shadow, and I would rather be called that, for your information.

Sam and I turn around and met with a white male, 183 centimeters, (6 foot), and was wearing an officer's uniform.

Shadow: I believe you have your new live written in that identity card.

Y/N: Lieutenant Cyrus Octavian, *shakes Shadow's hand*

Sam: *sighs* Lieutenant..... Thaddeus Guy *shakes Shadow's hand*

We walked down the street as Shadow tells us about the base and where we will live in, as we walked I bumped into an Eldian soldier. As a Marley, I was told to show hatred, like the Marley always do.

Y/N: Watch where you're going Devil Kid.

Colt: *stood in attention* Sorry sir, Colt Grice, warrior candidate!

Y/N: I've seen better candidates than your blonde ass, fuck off of my face will you?

Colt: Yes sir! *salutes before running away*

Sam: You just insulted your own race.

Shadow: At least he didn't stand there like a stiff dick.

Sam: What the fuck did you say? 

Shadow: Want me to say it slowly, Stiff...... Dick.....

Y/N: Oi! Shadow I will not allow you to go around and insult my assassin, understood?

Shadow: Fine.

Y/N: Thaddeus, just fucking stop!

Sam: Yes my lor- Cyrus.

As we walked to the barracks, I overheard a conversation.

Marley logistics officer #1: We will be receiving 6 containers, each consisting, 50 short range cannons, at 2200 hour in Liberio Grand Central Station, we need we need 6 drivers on station for the arrival.

Marley logistics officer #2: Yes sir.

We walked into the officer's bunker and meet with 3 other officers, whom were Shadow's bunkmates.

Ox: Hey there you two, you must be the new officers. My name is Captain Peter Anderson, they call me 'Ox' *shakes Y/N's hand* That there is Lieutenant First Class Richard "Dick" Grayson and Daniel. Daniel prefers it if his last name is not mentioned, and that is 2nd Lieutenant, James Foremen.

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