Chapter 8: The Inspection

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After I woke up in the morning, had breakfast, took a shower, and at almost noon, I met up with Mason at the scouts' barrack, since their graves are beyond Trost District, we decided to take our horses, however as we reached the stables, a scout approached me.

Random scout: Captain Jaeger! *stopped and breathed heavily*

Y/N: Compose yourself, breathe..... Now, something you want to tell me?

Random scout: Sawney and Bean-

Y/N: Who?

Random Scout: Section Commander Hange's titans.... They were killed last night!

Y/N: Was she informed?

Random Scout: Yes sir, by Moblit. Commander Erwin calls for your presence

Y/N: *Dismounted my horse* Let's go!

Mason: I'm coming too!

As we three ran to the Titan Research Room, we could see the horses that belong to the Levi squad, with Hange and Moblit's. When we enter the research room Hange was screaming and crying

Hange: No! Sawney! Bean! *wailing* NO!

Her screams wasn't annoying this time, it seems sad, I walked beside Hange

Moblit: Section Commander! Calm down!

Hange: Sa- Sawney, Be- Bean

Y/N: Hange.....

Hange: Y/N!!!! *Hugs Y/N and Moblit*

Moblit: Sir-

Y/N: Get your crazy partner to calm done

Moblit: I've been trying sir!

Hange: *Wailing like a mother that lost her sons*

Y/N: *Pushes her off and grabbing her shoulder* Hange! It'll be fine.... I know you see them as your "kids" but there is no use wailing your voice out!

Hange: *sniffing* But no one can replace Sawney or Bean.....

Y/N: Hange.... There are tons of them outside of Wall Rose, if you want me and Moblit can help you get new ones.

Moblit: Yeah, Section Commander! I will help you.

Hange: You guys.....

I turn to see Erwin creepily leaning on Eren telling him something, but nothing can shake my mind on how these titans were killed, their nape was cut clean off, guards are placed at every corner, which means the perpetrator had to come from the top, could it be- no that's too farfetched, I mean why would they?... Using my whole sense of the surounding, I could feel a crack on a wall of building that feels fresh, then it hit me

Y/N: *In a loud voice* The person who did this used an ODM gear.

Random cadet (Jean): Are you sure it's not the Black Death?

Y/N: No, the person who killed these two titans knows how to do so... This has to be the work of a soldier, and she or he could be here.

Random cadet (Reiner): Yeah, why would the Black Death kill titans? He kills humans remember?

Random cadet (Jean): Right.....

Commander Erwin: Gather all the cadets for gear inspection!

Levi: Y/N, how certain are you?

Y/N: Follow me *Walk towards the wall of a building* See that crack?

Hange: A grapple latch mark? Someone was using the ODM gear, smart thinking Y/N~

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