Chapter 12: The Recruitment

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Y/N: Captain Y/N report in as ordered sir!

Erwin: You're almost late

Y/N: Titan experiment sir got a little occupied.

Erwin: At least you're not late, come on the sun is down, I'm giving the opening speech, you handle the recruits.

Y/N: Right

Erwin: you'll be fine, don't worry I'll have my part too.

After a small touch ups we went to the scout camp, we stood at the stage to see at least 100 cadets waiting on the ceremony to start. Erwin proceeded to give the scariest speech possible, I was dumbfounded, after his speech at least 60 left the camp in fear, then it was my turn. Will this work? I don't know.

Y/N: Cadets of the 104th that stayed, congratulations on graduating the easiest moment in your life. I am Captain Y/N, the Survey Corps welcomes you. But know this, this is not the MPs, we don't rest till we get our answers, we will always be in the front lines and we will always see a titan. We will fight! till our last breath, fight! Fight for his majesty the king! Fight for freedom! We rid the titans from this world! We will fight! For the glory of humanity! *salutes* SHINZO WO SASAGEYO!!! (DEVOTE YOUR HEART)

104th cadets: *Salutes* SHINZO WO SASAGEYO!!!!!!

After the ceremony,  before the cadets were sent to their new barracks in the Survey Corps building, Erwin had me pick a leader for the 104th for the time being, of course we agreed on the top cadet being the leader again, this rarely happens, mainly because the top cadets will always join the MPs, since 103rd and 104th top cadets have joined the scouts, we were picked easily. By we I mean Mikasa and me. I was leading the boys, while Nanaba lead the girls to their bunks, as I lead them inside, Connie immediately called the bottom bunk, while a lot of cadets were focusing on which bed they will pick, Armin approached me

Armin: Will Eren be here?

Y/N: Armin, I don't think you know this but we scouts barely use bunks, we are always going one place to another, I guess don't get comfortable, but to answer your question, yes, when Captain Levi allows it, which is only the walls know when.

Armin: Oh, I guess I will be sleeping alone-

Y/N: You won't be tomorrow.... Alright everyone listen up!, put your shit here and change to your leisure outfit and grab your dinner before going to be. A reminder tomorrow, report to the parade square at 0800h, Mikasa is your leader.... temporarily, until we set up squads, so report to her first.

The 104th boys: Yes sir!

We then proceed to have dinner and Erwin came by to welcome the new scouts, I was of course sitting with the senior scout members, beside me was Miche and in front of me is Nanaba.

Nanaba: I give those kids two missions till they shit their pants

Miche: Your on Nanaba

Nanaba: Oh yeah? Oh yeah, Miche the doggy

Miche: Are you aski-

Y/N: What the fuck guys? Can we one dinner, where you to don't talk like that?

Nanaba: *Giggles*

Y/N: Seriously, get a ro-

Erwin: Soldiers *formal tone*

Miche: Erwin, how are their first impression?

Y/N: I have names that I want in my new squad

Nanaba: *Almost spits her tea* what? 

Erwin: Hmm, I thought you prefer to be alone now?

Y/N: I promise Mrs- my mom, that I will protect them when they join the scouts

Erwin: Let me guess, Armin and Mikasa?

Y/N: And Sasha and Connie. Sasha reminds me of Victor and she is pretty close to Connie, so I don't think I want to separate them.

Erwin: Hmm, you seemed acquainted to them. That's four, do you want one more?

Y/N: Jean, *nods upwards, (pointing towards Sasha and Connie)* Looks the duo is actually a trio.

Erwin: Interesting squad, granted Y/N.

Nanaba: Do you know them?

Y/N: Only Armin and Mikasa, Sasha, a little.

Miche: Hmm.... six squad members, you think you can handle them?

Y/N: I once punched Woermann in the face and that made the whole garrison quiet

They both laugh, while Erwin smiled.

Nanaba: I remember that!

Y/N: I can handle them....

After the meal everyone return back to their bunks, except for me, Nanaba and Miche........ because we decided to drink.

Y/N: I am officially more drunk than I should be.

Miche: *swirly* I can smell the world, you smell like soap! *points at Y/N*

Y/N: *chuckles*

Nanaba: *Gasp loudly* He laughed, that like what third time this month?

Y/N: I shouldn't be drunk

Miche: The world smell like shit!

Nanaba: You lo- *passes out*

Miche: *bangs head on table*

Y/N: *Holds head* I need Mikasa- wait what? Did I just- hey there little lady *head bangs on table* I'm not passed out I'm just.... I'm just resting my head.

Mikasa pov 

Did he say he needed me? I blushed at that and then again furious that he is beyond drunk, this could hurt him, he needs to stop this. I then say the scout woman woke up, Nanaba I think.

Nanaba: Hey cadet *hiccup* I am very drunk...... but I can help Section Commander Piggy, Miki, Miche? back to his room, just get the captain to his room, it is in the second floor and his name is clearly written on the door.

Mikasa: Yes ma'am.

I picked up Y/N and not caring what the other senior scouts are doing, I put his arm over my shoulder, he was reeking of alcohol, like Hannes. When I was bringing him to his room, I could hear him mumbling

Y/N: *mumbling* Mikasa...... Mikasa......... Were you jealous of me and Mary?

Mikasa: What? I- I uh- yes.

Y/N: Well *stood up straight* She's dead.... and it is save to say that I am over her death, thanks to Ma- *hiccup and becoming more swirly* Mason, he help me get over it, kind of. You know why I am over her?

Mikasa: *was actually eager, (come on Mikasa!)* Why?

Y/N: Because I have you *boops nose* from the start *proceed to fall on the ground, but Mikasa was able to catch him*

Is he? in love with me this time? wait- he said "from the start"? Since Shiganshina? or Wall Rose- you know what none of that matters, I may have a chance with him! This made me smile hard and on the verge of tears, when I reached his room, he kept it very clean, even when the scouts hardly use this camp. I don't understand how that is possible, but this isn't the first. When I placed him on his bed, I was in tears of joy, knowing Y/N loves me back. He then said

Y/N: Hey don't cry..... Eren told me you cry when I left for the scouts, and I wasn't there *hiccups* but now I am, and I am alive-

Mikasa: No that's not it, I'll tell you when you wake up and sober.

Y/N: Ok Mikasa.... Oh and remember to report in at- *passes out*

I giggled looking at him passing out in bed, I then get up and walk to my bunk. I then squealed in silence and then made sure no one was looking. I went to sleep on my bed and can't wait for next day.

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