Chapter 116: The 103rd Cadet Corps

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Petra: So, your father gave us a quite the scare when he turns out to the Black Death, but a welcome one.

Aiden: Whoa

Aurora: Wow

Levi: Honey, we need to go back to Stohess

Y/N: *raise his eyebrow* Honey?

Levi: Shut up

Petra: Okay! We should go now and... attend the urgent business later

Mikasa: Eh? Why did you come here then?

Petra: No.. "urgent business" to attend

Y/N: Honey *goes to Mikasa and whispers* 

Mikasa: OH! *covers her mouth* Sorry *giggles*

Levi: Tch, what happen to the angsty brat *walking to the main door*

Mikasa: Died as soon as her fiancé slip the engagement ring on her finger.

Petra: That was cute by the way, under the full moon

Y/N: I should thank Historia more

Petra: *chuckles* You should, now we shall take our leave of you all

As the Ackermans took their leave, Eden came back to Y/N sitting down on the stairs in her child form.

Eden: *child voice* Still want to stay in your child-like body or *became a woman again* do you want to change back?

Y/N: Child-like?!

Eden: *laughs* Come on, the longer you are young, the further you stray from actually growing older

Y/N: Right

As soon as Y/N said that, he was changed back into his old, literally, self. Looking at the mirror, he saw that he has really grown up into a middle aged man, feeling a tug on his sleeve, he saw Aurora asking for a carry, her hands were up and doing a grabby motion while whimpering a bit, Y/N chuckled and picked her up.

Aurora: *smiles widely* Daddy daddy?

Y/N: Yes sweetie?

Aurora: Uncle Levi and daddy said something about your old friends, who are they?

Y/N: Hm?

Aurora: You know, Your sq-quad?

Y/N: Oh my old squad?

Aurora: Mhm!

Y/N: Heh, alright, we still have time for more stories

Aurora: Yay

Aiden: *rubbing his eye* Do we have to?

Y/N: If you don't want to Addy, you are excused.

Aiden: Eh?! And let Aura have all the fun? No way!

Y/N: Then let's go to your mother. 

As the L/Ns got their way to the living room, they all took their seats, Y/N took his time to talk and look at everyone at the couch, Aiden was trying hard to listen attentively, Aurora was excited, Mikasa was a little worried but was interested.




A/N: Initiate 17th May 2021 type writing

Y/N: What?


Y/N: Wha-

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