Chapter 112: The Young One

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Aiden: You ask mom

Aurora: Why me?

Aiden: Because-

Mikasa: *walks in the Aiden's room* There you two are, what are you two talking about?

Aurora: *Aiden nudges Aurora's shoulder* Umm... mommy?

Mikasa: What is it sweetie? *sits in the middle of them*

Aurora: Our friends in school said that daddy was a "hottie" What is that?

Mikasa: *blushes* He is- I mean who told you that?

Aiden: Miss Gabi should us a picture of the royal family-

Aurora: Aunt Historia was so pretty 

Aiden: And dad's face was there too, but Miss Gabi used dad's picture but when was not old.

Aurora: Mhm! Then a lot of friends cannot stop staring at daddy's picture

Mikasa: *unimpressed* Too bad for them, he's taken

Aiden: Mom... daddy is your husband

Mikasa: Ara ara~ *holds her cheeks* you're right, sorry mommy was being protective again.

A/N: *nosebleeding* I had to, sorry.

Eden: I'd say more of obsessive again.

Mikasa: Eden?

Eden: Hello again Mikasa, now I've seen all your eyes, and I'm sure you want Y/N to look young again.

Aiden: Can you?

Aurora: Ooo Ooo I want to see daddy young!

Mikasa: *blushes a lot* Heh...

Eden: Very well then... *looks at author* wanna write another lemon? 

A/N: MILF Mikasa and Newly Crowned Lord Y/N? Of course I do

Eden: More like newly promoted Captain Y/N


Eden: Yep!

A/N: Why?!- *Eden rebuilding the fourth wall* Oi! You can't do that, that's illegal

Y/N was in his old office in the manor talking to Elise. As they were discussing on the increase in assassins in the regiment, Eden came in view next to them.

Y/N: Hello Eden

Elise: Ahh! Eden, don't do that

Eden: *giggles* Y/N how long till you return to your family?

Y/N: In what? 20-

Elise: 30

Y/N: 30

Eden: 30 what?

Y/N: Uhm.. time?

A/N: *laughing to myself* 30 what? Uhm... speed *laughs again* I need a life... Oh wait I do ha! *looks at reader and wide eyed* You see nothing *rebuilds the reader's wall* Told ya it was illegal Eden 

Eden: Shut the fu- *4th wall closed*

Eden: *raise an eyebrow*

Y/N: *laughs* I'm kidding, 30 minutes and I'll be done.

Eden: Hmmm... I'll just do this now.

Y/N: Do wha- *poked at the forehead by Eden*

Before Y/N can say anything he passed out and flopped onto the floor, Elise of course tried to catch Y/N but was too late, when Eden and Elise both looked at Y/N, Elise had a small nosebleed, and Eden was blushing.

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