Chapter 122: The Tribe (Short-chapter)

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Mikasa: Hm?... Honey?... Y/N?! 

Mikasa looked around the room to see that Y/N was no where to be found, she got up and went down to the kitchen and out of the house but Y/N was not there, she then ran up to the house and entered the kids room, no one was there either. She wanted to cry but something caught her attention, she looked out of the window and saw someone limping, running out of the house, Mikasa saw a woman in wool staring back at her. Mikasa ran up and held her when the woman lose her balance.

Mikasa: Ma'am what happened?

???: ...

She poked Mikasa's forehead and at that moment Mikasa's eyes started to glow orange, when it came back to normal, the woman stopped breathing and passed on there. Mikasa looked up then saw a group of man on horses, armed with swords. Before Mikasa could even react, her body was slashed and she fell backwards onto the grass, she started to loose conscious and closed her eyes slowly








Mikasa: *alarm sounds and Mikasa gasp and sat up* NO!!

Y/N: *Did that one long breathe in when you wake up* Honey? What's wrong? *struggling to keep his eyes open*

Mikasa: Hon *curled up on her legs* I had a nightmare

Y/N: *sat up and smiling* Did I die again?

Mikasa: No... You weren't there, Aura and Addy wasn't too...

Y/N: I can see why that's a nightmare

Mikasa: That's not it only, there was a woman, she was walking out in the field and limping... she didn't say anything, I ran up to her to help her but she just dies there in my arms

Y/N: That's weird... Do you know the woman?

Mikasa: Not a single recollection of her... *feels something* The kids are coming

Y/N: *jerks head to look at Mikasa* But.... they're sneaking in...

Mikasa: Yeah... I can... feel them?... Like see them too?

Y/N: Eh?

The kids burst in and jumps onto the bed, Mikasa was giggling as Addy came up and hugged her. Aurora was cuddling up on Y/N's chest, but he was still confuse on how Mikasa can feel the kids sneaking in.







Aurora: It's Uncle Ren!

Mikasa: Eh? *looks out the window* Honey, the king's family is here

Y/N: And in a normal clothing, looks like it's not something serious

Mikasa: Please, when has Eren ever been serious *all of them chuckled*

Y/N opened the door and did a bro hug with Eren, then gave Krista a hug, Historia was smiling the whole time. When the royal bloods were standing before each other, they did their secret handshake.

Y/N: To what brings us the pleasure of the royal family?

Historia: You're part of the royal family too Y/N

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