Chapter 98: The Last Goodbye

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Y/N: Woah woah hold on!

A/N: Uhhh... what?

Y/N: It's not September yet

A/N: And?

Y/N: Aren't you suppose to do your exams?

A/N: I can't resist the temptation. Now shut up and enjoy you angsty fuck

Y/N: I'm not angsty!

A/N: Shadow can vouch, now shhhh, let me write, this one chapter before starting my essay again. 

Y/N: Then continuing the hiatus?

A/N: Yep

Y/N: Okay

Months later, during holiday, Shadow's pov

Shadow: *breathing slowly* I can do this, *throws three darts, each hitting bullseye on three boards* Bullseyes *said nonchalantly*

???: *enters the Former 1st Grandmaster's room* Ummm.... Grandmaster?

Shadow: The one and only, what do you want?

???: I was wondering where Prince Y/N is?

Shadow: You serious? He retired, like 5 years ago.

???: Oh, where did he go?

Shadow: Oh he's- wait why?

???: Just curious grandmaster that's all.

Shadow: Nothing is true

???: What?

Shadow: Nothing... is true.

???: So is the Grandmaster retired or not?

Shadow: Wait, you're- *throwing knife to the neck* 

I was gurgling in my blood on the floor gasping for air, but I can move anymore, except for holding my neck.

Aiko: Daddy!

???: That was close sir *takes out the knife*

???: *rough voice* At least one pirate lord is down, Floch kill the kid.

Floch: Yes sir.

Alexi Sergeyevich: *kicks the door down* Grandmaster!? *saw the two fake assassins* I knew it! 

Aiko pov

I saw uncle Alexi, fighting and the people that hurt my daddy, I took the chance to run to daddy and holding his neck as he is struggling for air. 

Aiko: Daddy no! *crying, Alexi and the two killers groaning in the background*

Shadow: A- Aiko.... Be good to mommy, I love the both of you *losing consciousness*

Aiko: NO! *crying and sobbing* Daddy.... WAKE UP! *eyes glowing green*

Alexi pov

Alexi: Oof! *kicked in the stomach* AHHH! *punches the redhead's face* Gahh! *stabbed to the shoulder by the crazy one*

???: Dumb fuck! *tries to stab Alexi again*

Suddenly the Grandmaster stood up, his throat still bleeding but not profusely, and went to do a flying kick on the crazy one, land on his feet and tries to stab the redhead with his hidden blade,  but he was resisting, they ended being on the floor again. Other assassins joined in and the crazy one stood up to kick Shadow off and grab the redhead and jumps out of the window and we all went to the window to see them riding a stolen car and drove out.

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