14- The Gardenia

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Y/N trying to open her eyes, she could the unfamiliar sight.  Where am I? Why am I here instead of my own room? She look around to searching her phone.  She quickly grab her phone after she found that her phone were on her left table in that room. It's 4:00 o'clock in the evening.  How long did I faint? Her head ache after she tried to remember what had just happened to her. 

 There are 20 messages and 15 missed calls.  Woah it's been 2 days after the viking incident! 2 missed call from unknown number, 9 from Jimin (always), 2 missed calls from Seokjin oppa and another 2 from her dad, damn!

She look at the call log, her father was calling about 5 minutes ago for today and another missed call is yesterday. Gosh I need to call him right now! After 3 times of ringing, her father quickly pick up the call.

"Hey baby girl where are you? I'm trying to reach you from yesterday."

"Sorry dad."

Gosh! What am I supposed to give as the reason? I can't told him about this situation.

"Where were you darling?"


She did not give her answer yet as her phone were grab by someone's hand, Park Jimin. 

"Hello uncle, my name is Park Jimin.  Yes I'm her friend and I'm with her right now at school. Don't worry I'll take care of her. Okay bye-bye."

That's it? It's already end? Woah amazing!

"What did my dad asking you just now?"

"Nothing baby girl."

Y/N's cheek become blush. Why did he say that to me? Gosh I'm not dating with Seokjin oppa yet but my heart easily pounding around this boy too.  Jimin started to laugh after he saw Y/N's cheeks is getting red.

"Hey why did your cheeks becomes red? Are you shy?"

Y/N trying to cover her cheeks from Jimin. What a embarrassing moment ever in her life!

"Stop looking at me Jimin!"

At the end, they both laughing together.  Y/N is not the type of girl who were easily get comfortable around boys, but with this boy Y/N could feel that he is protecting her from any danger and he is always be there if she need him.  Y/N glad that he is the first person that she met at school on that day, not the other boy. 


Soon after Jimin left her because he have an urgent things to do, she is now all alone again.  The doctor said that she can go home in two more days, but now she is already bored to be in that room.  I wish that someone could visit me right now, Y/N sigh.

Y/N suddenly remembered about all the unread messages that she had receive, she take her phone and started to read the messages from 2 days ago until the latest messages.

Hey are you awake?  2 days ago, 7:00 a.m. - Park Jimin

I will visit you after school.  2 days ago, 1:00 p.m. - Park Jimin

Look how this boy caring on me.  Y/N know that Jimin have a crush on her, but her heart were not into that boy since she likes her senior more than him.

Hi.  2 days ago, 00:00 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

Seokjin here.  2 days ago, 00:01 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

I hope that you are awake.  2 days ago, 00:03 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

But it seems like you are still not awake yet.  2 days ago, 00:05 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

I want to tell you that I'm truly like you.  I'm not confusing you or what, trust me that I'm really really have a crush on you.  2 days ago, 00:10 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

I hope that one day I could hear your answer about my confession, but I won't pressure on you Y/N.  Please take your own time.  2 days ago, 00:15 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

Goodnight.  2 days ago, 00:16 a.m. - Kim Seokjin

After she read Seokjin's messages, her heart pounding crazily.  Maybe because she miss Seokjin so much, Y/N also didn't know the real answer about this question that had  running in her mind.  Y/N didn't know how to express her feeling towards Seokjin because this is the first time she has a crush in her life.  Y/N continue to read the remaining messages.

Darling, I need to go to Jeju Island for about one week because of the grand event.  Yesterday, 5:00 a.m. - Dad

Darling are you awake?  Yesterday, 9:00 a.m. - Dad

Are you at school?  Yesterday, 1:00 p.m. - Dad

Call me back after school darling.  Yesterday, 1:45 p.m. - Dad

That was a big relieved for Y/N, because she didn't want her father know about this and make him more worried if she told that about the incident.  Y/N continue to read the last 2 messages.

Hi I'm Mr. Choi from Daejeon Police Station, I need you to come over to give the statement about the viking incident.  Yesterday, 2:00 p.m. - Unknown

I've been told about that you need to be warded about 2 more days, so you may come on next Monday.  Today, 7:00 p.m. - Unknown 

Y/N's head started to ache after she read the last 2 messages.  She feels like viking incident would be the biggest trauma in her life.  Suddenly she feels like someone is touching her head, she look up quickly and saw a tall figure in front of her.  He started to smiling after he saw Y/N's face getting red because of him.

"Seokjin oppa? Why are you here?"


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