21- The Gossip III

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Mr. Jung Tae Oh knew that her daughter would never agreed with his idea to go to the hospital if he asked her about this, because Y/N hates it.  He walk to the registration counter to register it before they would get started with their main point of coming here today.  After he had settle everything at the registration counter, he go back to her daughter.

"Dad why are we here today? Are you sick?"

"Do I look like sick? I'm not darling, I'm perfect!"

"Then what's the reason?"

"Just wait and see."

After a few moments of waiting, now it is time for their turn to be called.  A lady with her white uniform step out from the doctor's room and started to calling their name.

"Mr. Jung Tae Oh and Jung Y/N?"


Y/N tried to cover her face after her dad shouted like that to that nurse.  Why is he so excited today?  Is it that fun to be in the hospital today?  They both walk in to the doctor's room together.  The doctor smile to them before he ask a few question.

"So what kind of medical treatment do you want for today?"

Wait what? A medical treatment? What is going on right now? Who is sick actually? Is it me or dad? But I'm not sick today, I'm totally healthy.

"Can we do a full medical treatment? Inside and outside our body?"

"Sure... so miss Jung Y/N could you follow miss Jang Mi to Doctor Ae-Ra's room?"

Y/N nodded her head and she step out from that room and follow Miss Jang Mi as she is told to do so.  What is going on right now?  What a curious day today.


5 hours later they finally done doing all the medical treatment on that day.  What a tiring day today!  What is the most curious thing for Y/N is, when the doctor suddenly said that she want to do the ultrasound just to check it if she is pregnant or not.  Y/N became speechless on that time but she is still followed all the doctor's instructions even though she didn't want to do it.

Y/N step out from Doctor's Ae-Ra room and she could see that her father is waiting for her.  She walk towards her father slowly as her head is suddenly feel dizzy.  Maybe she is hungry due to the long medical treatment earlier.  Mr. Jung Tae Oh turn his head and he started to smile when he saw Y/N appearance after 30 minutes of waiting for her daughter.

"So how's your medical treatment darling?"

"Well... the doctor also check my uterus dad.  It's a little bit weird but I'm still followed all of her instructions."

"That's good.  Are you hungry darling?"

"Yes I am, but before that I need to go to the toilet for awhile."

"Okay take your time darling, I'll see you at the cafeteria on level 3."

Y/N trying to stand up and after she is totally stable enough to walk, she walk slowly to the nearest toilet.  Suddenly she remembered that she forgot to take any breakfast before they went to the hospital.  Damn how could I forget about it? Don't you forget that you a gastric Y/N?  Y/N just keep mumbling a long the way to the toilet.  A few steps before she entered the toilet, suddenly she bump on someone's chest.

"S-Sorry... I didn't mean to..."

When she look up to see who is she bumping to, she is totally shock after she saw a familiar figure in front of her.

"S-Sehun oppa?"

"Hey Y/N are you okay?"

That is the last words she could remembered before she collapse in front of Sehun.



Y/N slowly open her eyes, she could see the light everywhere.  Where am I right now? Am I in the heaven? No way! Then she could hear some familiar voice calling out her name, but she couldn't see the figure.

"Are you awake?"

She still feel a little bit dizzy but not as much as earlier.  She's trying to look at the figure who is sitting beside her bed.

"Where am I?"

Y/N trying to get up but her body won't let her do that for now.  So she just keep laying on the bed while holding her dizzy head.

"Wait I'll call the doctor."

Y/n sigh.  Finally she know who is that person.  Sehun.  Why is he here? Where is my dad at this time? Did he just left me here with this boy?  A few seconds later, the doctor came and started to check on her condition.

"Are you still dizzy miss Y/N?"

"A little bit."

"You will get the food about 10 minutes more, can you hold on for awhile?"

Y/N slowly nodded to the doctor before he left both of them in that room.  Awkward.  That's how she can describe about their situation right now.

"Where's my dad?"

"Oh he told me that he had an urgent meeting at Seoul, so I'm here to accompany you."

"No need to accompany me oppa.  You may go now."

"No, I will stay here."

Y/N couldn't say any words anymore, so she just shut her mouth and pretending to be sleep.  Sehun look at Y/N in a pity way and at the same time he feel sorry towards her, after what he had done to her before.

"I'm sorry."

Y/N open her eyes again and look at Sehun at this time as she is waiting for the next sentences from his mouth.

"I know that I'm not a good husband to you, but my feeling towards you was sincere from my heart.  I know that you hate me since I pushed you from the stairs and make our daughter's life gone but can you forgive me? I didn't mean to do all that things to you Y/N."

Sehun stared at the floor until he had finished all of his words.  Y/N could see Sehun's tears came out from his eyes.  Y/N slowly wipe his tears and that's make Sehun lift his head and look at her, deeply.

"I can't oppa... sorry."

Both of them keep a silent for moment.  It's hurt.  By remembered all of the things make Y/N's heart hurt.  She know that Sehun is a kind man but she can't easily forgive about all of his wrong doing towards her 2 years ago.  10 minutes later, the nurse came into the room to delivery her lunch on that day.  Sehun told her that he want to be alone for awhile and he decided to walk out from that room and leave Y/N alone.  After Sehun had left her, she started to cry.  She feels sorry towards him but at the same time she's still hating him for killing her precious daughter.

"I'm sorry.."


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