42- The Examination Week

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Examination is just around the corner, all of the students in Daejeon High School were busy preparing for their upcoming examination.  Including Y/N too even though her leg is still bandaged and she need to use a stick to support her body while walking, but she still come to school everyday.  Seokjin and Jimin will help her too if she need anything in that school.  Today as usual, three of them are going for a recess together and talk about some random topic as they are waiting for recess time is over.

"Y/N your dad know about your current condition right?"

"Of course he know, why?"

"Isn't he worried about you? Because you said that he's now at France right?"

"He is super worried about me, but I don't want him to think about me because that might interrupt his work."

"Are you okay staying alone in that big house?"

"Well... I'm not that alone because my dad had hired a few workers in that house to help me around.  Oh by the way, I will have a new secretary later."

Seokjin look at Y/N's face.  Secretary? So sudden?

"What is your secretary's name?"

"I don't know yet, but my dad said he is same age as me."

"Did you say 'he' honey?"

"Yes.  Don't worry oppa, I'll not fall in love with that boy."

"You should keep your promise."

"I promise oppa!"

"Recess time is over, let's go back to our class now."

"Hyeong can you help Y/N until to our class? I need to go to the toilet, urgent."

"Just go ahead you kid, no need to tell me that."

Jimin run as fast as he could to the nearest toilet.  Seokjin grab Y/N's waist as he is helping her to walk more easily to her class.  While they walk slowly to her class, Y/N take this chance to ask everything that she wanted before they reach to the class.

"Oppa how's our kid RJ? Is he healthy?"

What a weird question.  Asking about alpaca doll's condition? You are surely crazy Y/N!

"Of course he is healthy! His daddy taking care of him with a lot of loves."

"You need to take care of him for the rest of your life oppa, okay?"

"Why? He need his mommy too honey, let's take care of him together."

"Later...after you and I get married, deal?"


They smile and laughing together until they reached in front of Y/N's class.  After he had sending her to her class, Seokjin wondering about their earlier conversations.  She want to get married with me? That's not a dream... right? I will purpose her as soon as possible! But at the same time he keeps thinking about he didn't have much time to spend with Y/N in this world.  No Seokjin.  You will live for a long time with your beloved one, Jung Y/N.  I'm sure about it!


The last class on that day end a bit late as usual because of Mr. Lee had a meeting before that.  Almost 6 p.m. Jimin and Y/N still at the school.  They keep all of their stuff quickly as they want to go back home before it's getting darker.  Seokjin who is waiting for them at the school field feels a bit relived after he saw two figures are walking towards him right now.

"How was your last class honey?"

"Mr. Nam makes me dizzy, I can't focus on his class."

"Y/N you need to pay attention on his class or you will dead on examination day."

"Jimin ah.. you know that I hate math class right? How can I survive?"

"Jin hyeong.. you should do something on her, or else she will get a bad result for the upcoming examination."

Seokjin slowly patting Y/N's head and smile at her.

"Don't worry I will teach you that subject this weekend."

"Really? Omoo thank you so much oppa!"

"Gosh this love bird, I need to stay away from them."

Jimin started to walking as he want to leave them.  He can't bear any longer by watching them like that, or else he might fall in love with that girl again.

"Hey Jimin ah! Wait for us!"

"Hurry up you two! My mom will nagging on me if I come home late today."

"Honey I will piggyback you until to the school gate."

"Okay! Thanks oppa."

As they walk until to the school gate, they could see a boy is waiting for them there.  His eyes is on the three of them.  Y/N look at the boy, she is trying to scanning that boy and wondering who is that boy.  That boy slowly approach them.

"Hi... are you Jung Y/N?"

"Yes.. I'm Jung Y/N.. Who.."

"Oh nice to meet you Y/N.. I'm your secretary."

Y/N shocked. Her secretary? He will start working today? Why her dad didn't tell her about this? 

"I thought you will start your work next week..."

"Oh Mr. Jung told me to start as soon as possible as he is worried about you."

Gosh dad.  I'm not a little girl anymore that he need to worry about me all the time.  Did he forget that I have Seokjin and Jimin? 

"Oh I see.. so what is your name by the way?"

"Tae Hyun.. Kang Tae Hyun.  You may called me Tae Hyun as we are at the same age."

"Nice to meet you Tae Hyun."

Seokjin look at that boy from head to toe.  He has a pretty smile and kinda big eyes.  The way he look at Y/N make him jealous.  Why Mr. Jung hired a boy to be her secretary? Why not a girl? What is the most thing that had triggered him is.. his smile.  Damn his smile is so pretty.  I hope that Y/N didn't fall in love with this boy.  Never!


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