26- Summer Vacation (Last)

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The night has come.  Seokjin is a little bit nervous right now.  He hopes that his short practice will makes Y/N impress with him.  Jimin who is standing beside Seokjin look at that guy.  He is sweating a lot.  Jimin know that Seokjin is quite nervous right now.  There are several people at behind the stage.  All of this students are getting ready before they begin to start their performance.  Seokjin and Jimin will perform a song, which is their favorite song.

"Hyeong if you are nervous right now, you can hold my hands."

Without saying a words Seokjin quickly holding Jimin's hand.  Seokjin's hand is as cold as ice.  He must be super nervous right now. Seokjin looking around, he is trying to calming himself but unexpectedly he saw that boy.  That Jeongwoo boy.  Suddenly he became mad.


Jimin look at his hand,  Seokjin is holding tightly his hand. Then he look at the same way as Seokjin staring now and he could see Jeongwoo is standing not far from them.  Jimin could feel that something unexpected will about to happen, but at the same time he hopes that feeling was wrong.  A few minutes later, they could hear the voice from a microphone and all of them became more nervous.

"Good evening everyone! Tonight we gonna watch a talent show from your friends.  So are you ready guys?"


"So here we go the first contestant is Park Jimin!"

Seokjin wish him good luck before he go to stage.  Jimin standing on the center of the stage.  He is trying to search for Y/N but he couldn't see her on that time. Y/N who is sitting on the last row could see Jimin is looking for her.  She still remember the last words from both of them before they are getting ready behind the stage.

"Remember the chorus part."

She is still wondering why both of them told her to listen at the chorus part.  Jimin had started to sing his favorite song and the title of the song is promise.  Y/N trying to listen carefully and not long after that Jimin is singing the chorus part. Y/N became speechless after listen to that chorus part.

"I want you to be your light, baby you should be your light, so that you wont be hurt, so that you could smile, I want you to be your night, baby you could be your night, so that I could be honest to you tonight."

The song end after 2 minutes later.  Y/N don't know why but she started to cry after the song end.  The lyrics are so beautiful.  She never listen to this kind of the song.  This song had just touch her heart.

"What a beautiful performance Park Jimin and I hope that you will be a singer one day soon."

All of the Daejeon High School students give him a big applause.  Yes he should be a singer one day soon. He has an angelic voice and that's suit him so much!

"Okay let's continue with the second contestant, here we go our second contestant Kim Seokjin!"

Seokjin go up to the stage after he succeed calming himself.  From that stage he could see all of the students cheering on him. Same as Jimin, Seokjin couldn't see Y/N from that stage.  Where is she?  He can't wait any longer so he decided to start it.  When the music had started, Y/N trying to focus on this song too as Seokjin told her to remember the chorus part.  Not long after that, he started to sing that part.

"Suddenly I wonder if you are watching me too, I worry if you would discover all of my hurting wound, I will circle around your side, I will stay by your side, I will become your light, All for you."

Y/N started to cry again.  What's wrong with them? Are those chorus part is for her? That part is so beautiful!  That song end after 3 minutes later.  She can't wait any longer, so she decided to meet with him at the behind of the stage.  She walk as fast as she could.  She is hoping that Seokjin will be there too.  But as she get there, she can't see either Seokjin or Jimin.  Did they go to somewhere else?  Suddenly she is bumping to someone.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

It's Jeongwoo, her partner for the earlier activity on that day.

"Jeongwoo ah did you know where is Seokjin oppa and Jiminie?"

"I just saw Seokjin hyeong go over there, but I don't know about Jimin."

"Alright thanks again Jeongwoo."

"Y/N wait!"

Y/N turning her head again and look at that boy.

"Can you watch my performance after this?"

"I would love too, but I can't. Sorry Jeongwoo."

Jeongwoo tried to give a smile to Y/N but he know that his smile was a fake.

"It's okay, I hope that you will found Seokjin hyeong."

"Thanks again Jeongwoo and good luck with your performance!"

Y/N left him alone and she ran as fast as she could to the direction that Jeongwoo give it to her earlier.  Jeongwoo just look at her.  Well.... he will not perform on that night.  Why? Because she will not watch it.  It's hurt but he knew that she will not likes him back as she is already in love with someone else.


Y/N glad finally she had found that guy.  She could see Seokjin is sitting in front of the lake alone.  Where's Jimin?  Maybe he need to go somewhere else right now.  What a perfect timing for both of us!

"Oppa? Why are you here? You didn't want to watch the talent show?"

"Y/N? You are here? Jimin is looking for you and he is searching for you right now."

"Why is he looking for me?"

"Because we can't see you from the stage earlier."

Y/N giggles.  She know that this is not the right time for her to laugh but she can't hold it anymore.

"Oppa I watched both of the performance and I was there."

"We thought you were missing!"

Y/N started to giggles again.

"Who wants to kidnap me oppa? A bear? Or a monster?"

Seokjin punch Y/N slowly on her shoulder.  This girl always makes me worried.  Seokjin feels a little bit relieve.



"Thanks for being my side all of this time."

They look at each other at the same time.  Y/N's cheeks became blush.  Seokjin slowly became closer to her face and he kiss on Y/N's lips. They both enjoy it without realize someone is looking at them.  It was Park Jimin.  He is not to far for them so he could see and hear all of their conversations earlier.  He's heart hurt again.  He can't bear standing there any longer so he decided to walk away from 'that scene.'  He is trying to hold his tears but as long as he is holding to it the tears wont stay still and he started to cry.  

"Y/N I know that you love him, but... I love you too!"


p/s: Thank you for all the readers who is still reading my story until now🥺 I appreciate it soooo much!  You may give it to me any suggestion for the heroes to my upcoming stories✌

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