47- Winter Break III

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Today Jimin, Seokjin, Tae Hyun and Y/N are finally at the ski boarding place which is at Yong Pyong Ski Resort. Actually they already reached here since yesterday but due to their long journey from the strawberry farm to this ski resort makes all of them out of energy.  They decided to take a rest and do the ski boarding for the next day.

The weather for today is as cold as ice, well no wonder the weather is cold as the temperature right now is -10ºC.  Even though the weather is super cold today, but the snow has not come yet.  Y/N hoping that the snow will come on her birthday since her birthday is on the next week.

Jimin and Tae Hyun who are just back from rent the ski boards look a little bit happy.  Y/N noticed that both of them started to close since at the guesthouse few days before.  She glad it as that was a good start for both of them since they are on the same age, maybe that's the reason they can easily comfortable towards each other.

All of them are ready to start playing with the ski board.  They are so lucky today because Seokjin is a pro player of this ski board.  Moreover, they can save a lot of money today as they already have a professional coach and no need to hired a new one.  Seokjin teach them one by one until Tae Hyun and Jimin could play it by them self.  

When it comes to Y/N's turned, Seokjin told her to hold on him as he don't want Y/N to fell down because of the slippery snow.  They are holding hands together and begin to start.  At first Y/N couldn't balance her self and that's make she fell down for several times.  But after that, she successfully can balance her self now.  Seokjin look at her with a proud face.  

The way Y/N is smiling because finally she know how to balance her self on the ski board makes his heart overwhelmed.  They spend about 30 minutes there before everyone decided to leave that place due to the weather that become colder than before.  Jimin suggested to go to a restaurant to eat something that could warm their body after facing a cold weather earlier.  

It was such a beautiful memories for them! Starting from their journey to the strawberry farm until to the Yong Pyong Ski Resort.  Seokjin look at them one by one when all of them are focusing on their food as they are starving after played the ski board in the cold weather.  I hope that I can built a beautiful memories like this again so that my life will fill it with this kind of memories only.

The next day, all of them decided to returned to their home as all of the activities had done.  It was so much fun as this is their first trip together for almost a week, even though it was a long journey but they got something that they can't buy it with money.  They hope that one day they could do this kind of trip again on their next school break.


Y/N go to the downstairs and nobody was there, so she decided to go to the kitchen as she want to accompany Mrs. Choi but she couldn't see her in the kitchen.  Where is she? She went back to the living room and sit on the sofa.  Y/N take her phone as she want to check her schedule.

"Tae Hyun should come around 9:00 a.m., but now is 10:00 a.m.  Where is that boy?"

She went outside too as she want to check if there's other human in this house.  She couldn't see Mr. Jeon at the entrance gate, where is he?  Mr. Lee is not here too as he come here every Saturday only.  Her maid, her secretary and her bodyguard are not here yet, did something happen to all of them on the same time? No... I don't think so.. 

When she is about to walk into her house, suddenly she saw unfamiliar figure in the house.  Who is that? Is that a ghost? Wait.. ghost only appear in night... then what is that?  She look around and finally she found a big stone on the ground.  She pick that big stone as she want to use that  as her protection.

She open the door slowly and look around before walk into the house.  She walk slowly to the living room and at the same time she is still looking around as she is afraid if that figure suddenly appear at the back.  She walk towards the sofa as she could see that figure is hiding behind that sofa.  A few steps before she reach at the sofa, suddenly that figure come out and make a loud sound.


Y/N shocked.  When did he arrived here?


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Y/N, happy birthday to youuu~ Happy birthday Jung Y/N!!"

She turn around and she could see Jimin and Tae Hyun at the back who are holding the cake together.  Y/N just realized that today is her birthday.  Gosh how could you forget your own birthday?

"When did you guys prepare all of this?"

Suddenly Y/N cried.  She feel so overwhelmed right now.  Seokjin walk towards her and hug her tightly.  He pat slowly at Y/N's back.  

"Don't cry honey, today is your birthday right? Show me you prettiest smile."

Y/N tried to wipe her tears before she could showed him her prettiest smile.

"That's my girl.  Now let's begin our party!"

Jimin and Tae Hyun put the cake on the dining table  and started to cut the cake into pieces.  Jimin take a spoon with cake on it and give it to Y/N.  It's delicious!  Seokjin put the seaweed soup that he brought it from his house on the dining table too.  Seaweed soup is a must on every birthday in South Korea.  Y/N smile happily.  She thought that she will celebrate her birthday alone, but she guessed it wrong.  She glad that she had friends like them.


After they had done eating, Jimin suggested to watch a movie together with a snacks.  Y/N totally forgot that the snacks in this house are out of the stocks.  So she need to buy it again.

"Jimin ah can you accompany me to the convenience store?"

"Sure! Hyeong and Tae Hyun did you guys want anything?"

"I want cheese tteokbokki."

"I want cola."

"Alright 1 cheese tteokbokki for Tae Hyun and 1 cola for Jin hyeong.  Y/N let's go!"

When Jimin and Y/N are going out to buy some snacks at the convenience store, Seokjin sit at the living room with Tae Hyun.  Awkward.  Seokjin didn't know which topic he need to talk with that boy, but then he just came up with a random question.

"How many sibling do you have Tae Hyun?"

"It's 2 only, my older sister and I.  How about you hyeong?"

"Same as you but I have an older brother."

Silent again.  Seokjin you need to ask that boy anything! Gosh it's so hard to be an introvert person.  He sighed.  I wish I'm an extrovert person who is always has a topic to talk to.

"Tae Hyun ah, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what is it hyeong?"

"Please take care of Y/N and protect her from any kind of dangerous thing.  I'm afraid that if I can't protect her anymore."

"Hyeong why are you said like that?"

"I don't know... I'm just afraid that if I can't protect her anymore."

"Do you want to go far away from here?"

Seokjin didn't give an answer to him as Jimin and Y/N suddenly open the door with a loud sound.

"We are back! Here the cheese tteokbokki for you Tae Hyun and this is cola for you Jin hyeong, while I got all the gummies!"

"Hey you need to share!"

Even though the current situation is a little bit chaotic because of Jimin and Y/N arguing about the gummies, but Tae Hyun is still looking at Seokjin.  He is still wondering why Seokjin said that words?  Is he want to go somewhere that far away from here? I hope it's not.


p/s: Did you got the hint in this chapter? If you did, tell me what is it in the comment section! 😆  Have a nice day!

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