33- The Rumors

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Day by day, Y/N is getting closer with Jeongwoo.  She likes to talk with that boy and spending her time with him after school at the library too.  Jimin noticed that Y/N had changed.  She changed since both Seokjin and him had been busy practicing with their basketball.  He is so sure that Seokjin noticed about this too, but he never react to it.  One day, when Jimin want to go to the school gym for practicing, he tried to approach Y/N before he left the class.

"Y/N can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it Jimin?"

"Well I noticed you and that Jeongwoo boy is getting closer lately.  Are you gonna cheat with Seokjin hyeong?"

Y/N is a little bit surprised.  Cheat? She never thought about that.

"No I'm not, why did you ask that question?"

"Well, it's seems like that boy likes you too."

"Jeongwoo likes me? Nonsense! He is just my new friend, that's it."

Jimin nodded his head.  He hopes that whatever kind of words that out from Y/N's mouth are sincere from her heart.

"Don't you dare to cheat with my hyeong."

"I promise!"

He then left the class with a bit relieved.  He hopes that Y/N will stay loyal with Seokjin or else he will not be as Y/N's friend anymore.


As usual, Y/N will spending her time with Jeongwoo after school.  Today they will spend their time at another place, called Memories.  Memories is a cafe where you could create your own memories with your loved one.  Y/N hopes that one day she will come here again with her boyfriend, Kim Seokjin.  Both of them choose to be sit near the window, so they can watch the other people who were walking outside the cafe.

Then comes the waitress and give them the menu.  While Y/N is looking at the menu, Jeongwoo take this chance to look at Y/N's face.  For a few moments he were staring at Y/N's face and that's make Y/N started to realize it.

"Is there anything on my face?"

Jeongwoo didn't give any reaction to her.  She then waving her hand in front of his face until Jeongwoo started to realize.

"Huh? What happened?"

"Why are you staring at my face like that? Is there anything on it?"


"What is it? Where? Is it on my nose? Or my cheeks?"

"Your face looks glowing and that's make you are naturally beautiful."

Y/N became blush.  The waitress who were standing there is starting to get cringe after hearing his words.  The waitress is now regret about it, she should ask someone else to pick their order if she knows that the couple will said those cheesy words.

"Err.. Can I take your order now?"

Both of them now realize about the waitress appearance.  Y/N become more embarrassed.  They quickly choose their food and drink to make an order.  After they had done doing that, the waitress walk as fast as she could because she can't bear to stand there any longer.

Not far from them, the person same from the library is taking their pictures.  The person smirk while taking the pictures.  

"I need to edit all of this pictures before I spread it at Daejeon High School."

That person left the cafe with a happy face and can't wait to look at Y/N's reaction after the news spread it all over the school tomorrow.


The next day, Y/N go to the school a little bit late because she forgot to set an alarm this morning.  She run as fast as she could because Y/N didn't want to be punished and that's will make her reputation bad.  She glad that the discipline's teacher didn't close the gate yet, so she will not get any punishment on that day.

Along the way to her classroom, all of the students who were there is looking at her with a disgusting look.  What happened? Is there any weird thing on my cloth? She is checking her uniform once again and she couldn't find anything on it.  Suddenly her body started to be shaking.  Her trauma come once again.  This scene makes her remember about Hae Won.  That girl who were spread the fake news all over the school.  Why this scene need to happen again?

Jimin who is out of nowhere appeared suddenly grab her hand and without any words Y/N just followed him to where ever the place is.  When both of them arrived at the field, Jimin had stop his steps and that's make Y/N need to stop to.  Jimin turn his body and makes that boy is facing with her right now.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Can you just tell me what's going on? I don't know anything about this."

Jimin then take out his phone and searching for something.  A few seconds later, he show his phone to Y/N and she is totally shocked.  There is a picture of Jeongwoo and her at the library.  She didn't shocked about that, but what makes her shocked is in that picture Jeongwoo and her are kissing in the library!  

"Jimin I didn't do that thing.  I swear!"

"Then is it the picture's fault?"

"I swear! He just holding me because I'm about to fall on that time.  We are not kissing!"

Y/N become speechless when she saw Seokjin who is standing behind Jimin.  Y/N walk towards him slowly, her eyes started to tearly.  She need to make sure that both Jimin and Seokjin believe on her. 

"Oppa, I swear to you that I didn't kiss him."

Y/N trying to hold Seokjin's hand but he quickly stay away from her and that's make Y/N's heart break into pieces.

"I thought that... you will stay loyal with me... but I guessed it was wrong."

"No oppa, I'm loyal with you."

"Then why is this happening?!"


"No need to explain more Y/N... Let's just stop here."

When Seokjin is about to left her alone there, Y/N quickly try to chase him back. 

"Please I'm begging you oppa... please forgive me."

Y/N doesn't care about her looks anymore, Seokjin is more important than her looks now.  She is now totally regret.  I wish I can turned back time and I will not spending my time with Jeongwoo anymore.

"Don't you hear me? We're done.  You're not my girlfriend anymore."

Seokjin left her with Jimin without turning back again.  Y/N keep crying out loud.  It's hurt.  Breaking up with him were not in her mind.  Jimin hugs her and pat her back slowly.  He is shocked too but he didn't want to left Y/N alone.  

"Shhh stop crying."

While he trying to makes Y/N feel calm, suddenly he could see Jeongwoo at the school's gate with someone.  He can't see who is that person but he is so sure that boy is Park Jeongwoo.  Well I guessed, I need to investigate something between that boy, Y/N and the mysterious person.  Just wait and see Jeongwoo, I'll do anything to make sure Y/N could smile again.


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