52- The Revenge II

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Seokjin end the call soon after Hae Won said that she will give him her location right now.   Oh God! Please protect her from that evil girl, Park Hae Won.  

"Who's that hyeong?"

Tae Hyun look at Seokjin's face after he had done talking on the phone with someone.  He look a little bit stress than before.

"It's Hae Won.  She's the kidnaper of Y/N."

"The kidnaper is a girl?!"

"Yeah... She said that she will give her location to me after this.  I hope Y/N is alright."

"I will come with you hyeong."

"No you can't, Hae Won told me to come alone there, or else she will kill Y/N."

Tae Hyun sighed.  

"Can you please help me Tae Hyun?"

"Sure hyeong, what is it?"

"I want you to go to the police station and make a report about this.  And I will give you the recording of our conversation earlier with the location that she will send to me later through the talk talk apps, okay?"

"Okay I got it hyeong."

Seokjin look at Jimin who is still unconscious from his coma since yesterday, don't worry Jimin ah I will save her no matter what happen, Seokjin mumbled.  At this moment, he just thinking about Y/N's condition.  Hang in there honey, I will come to you soon.


Y/N trying to open her eyes slowly.  She could see Hae Won is sitting on the sofa that is opposite with her right now.  Where am I? Y/N is pretty sure that she is not in the same room anymore.  She look around as she want to scanning each of the inches of the room.  Yes.  This is the different room.

"Are you awake huh?"

Y/N startled.  She could see Hae Won is looking at her right now with a disgusting look.  

"Where am I? Why did you kidnap me?"

"What a silly question from you Y/N.  You should know it by your own self!"

Y/N being silent for a moment.  Which kind of question is silly actually? Is it the question about where am I right now or the reason why I've been kidnap by her? Geez this girl, you are the one who is silly, not me!

Hae Won walk towards Y/N with a knife in her hand.  She poke that knife on Y/N's neck.  Y/N close her eyes as she don't want to look at that knife at this moment.

"Afraid huh? I've been told you to stay away from my Seokjin, but you seem didn't care about it.  So... should I just kill you right away?"

"Hae Won please... don't kill me."

Hae Won laugh out loud.  Don't kill you?? Huh!! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life!

"Is that your last word huh? So that means I can kill you right?"

Hae Won poke that knife on Y/N's chest and slice it.  The blood is coming out after Hae Won had done doing that on her neck.  It's hurt, but luckily Hae Won didn't slice it to deep.

"What a beautiful color, your blood must be an A group right?"

Y/N just ignore her as she is trying to overcome her pain right now.  She could feel the blood is going down until to her stomach.  At this moment, suddenly he remembered about Jeongwoo.  Where is it that guy right now?

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