30- The Encounters II

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The both of them keep quiet for a moments after his maid came to serve the drinks to them.  She also told them that the dinner will serve soon, so she went back to the kitchen and leave some space for them to continue their conversation.

"So are you in any relationship right now?"

Y/N know that he must knew about this matter before she get the chance to tell him about this.  He just want to make sure that she has a strong reason to reject him soon.

"Yes I am."

"Who is the lucky guy that can replace me in your heart?"

"Kim Seokjin oppa."

"So he is older than you huh?"


"Do you really love him?"

"Yes I do."

"Or you just want to use that guy and hoping that you can replace me? Like that?"

"Oppa what's wrong with you?"

Y/N become mad suddenly.  The way Sehun asking the random questions makes her emotional unstable at this time.  Is this the real reason why he bring me here? To ask me that stupid questions? 

"Nothing, I'm just curious about it."

He stop for awhile before he continue to talk.

"And... I hope that guy can love you and appreciate you more than I had done to you, because you deserves someone better than me."

Sehun looking at Y/N this time.  He can see that, Y/N is trying hard to not shed any tears in front of him and so do him.  When he is about to throwback all their memories together back in 2 years ago, he is now realize that Y/N seems didn't get her own happiness.  She deserves a better guy.  Who can make her laugh, protect her and care her for most of the time.  He failed to do all of things on that time.  He failed to be that kind of husband to Y/N.

"I'm hoping that... you can be a mother soon Y/N.  I'm sorry that... because of me, our daughter can't survive due to my own fault too."

When he starting to mention about their daughter, Y/N begin to cry.  How could she forget about it?  It is still fresh in her mind even though the tragedy was 2 years ago.  Her beautiful daughter can't live in this world because of him, Oh Sehun.

"The main reason I bring you here is I want to apologize to you Y/N. And I hope that we can remain as a friend even though we are not that close anymore."

"Sorry but, I don't want to have any relationship with your family anymore oppa."

Sehun stared at her.  His heart hurt by hearing Y/N's words just now.  Is he that bad in Y/N's eyes? He is not blaming on her if she had any of the trauma because of him, but he feels a little bit sad because Y/N didn't want to have any kind of relationship with his family anymore.

Suddenly his maid come again to pick their glasses and also to tell them about the dinner is now ready to eat.  Y/N nodded her head and quickly stand from the sofa and left Sehun at behind.  Sehun just look at her action because he knows that, this is the only time that Y/N could stay away from him for awhile.  He then sigh heavily.


After the dinner, Y/N decided to sit near the pool.  Tonight is a little bit windy so her body quickly react to it.  She is starting to shivering.  Suddenly a cozy and warm cardigan wrap up her body.  She turn back to look who is the person put that cardigan on her body.  It was Sehun.  Y/N trying to take off the cardigan but Sehun quickly stop her act.

"I know that you are cold, please don't take it off."

She then let the cardigan on her body and makes her body feels warm again.  

"Y/N can I ask you something?"


"What is our daughter's name?"

Y/N startled.  She never expect that Sehun would ask that kind of question.  What are you talking about? Of course he will ask about this, because he is the father of your daughter!

"Your father didn't tell you about this?"

"Nope... He said that I need to ask you in personally."

"Gosh that's not so private, our daughter is his grandchild too."

"Ermm... Our daughter?"

"Then who is that? You make her 2 years ago oppa."

"I know... I'm just... a little bit happy when you mention about 'our daughter' earlier."

Y/N trying to calm herself.  Don't be mad Y/N, please stay cool.  She trying to do the inhale and exhale method that her dad had thought her before.

"So what's her name?"

"Choon Hee..... Oh Choon Hee."

A few moments later, her driver arrive at Sehun's house.  What a perfect timing Mr. Song! Y/N just left Sehun there because she really needs to get out from this house as soon as possible. Before that, she meet with her ex father in-law first to show the respect for him.  She just hate the son but not the father, so she need to be kind to this old man.

"Father don't forget to take care of yourself okay?"

"You too dear, if you missed... you can come here anytime. Okay?"

Y/N nodded.  She can't give the specific answer to that, because she know that if she answered the old man's question using her mouth, her words maybe would hurt his heart. Then she take her handbag on the sofa and took off Sehun's cardigan, she tried as possible to not walk so rush.  When she is about to get in the car, suddenly someone is grabbing her hand and it was him again, Oh Sehun.

"Where is the exact place of Choon Hees's 'house'?"

"Gwangju Memorial Park.  You will meet her there."

Sehun nodded with a smile before he continue to talk.

"Thanks for coming today, maybe this is our last encounter before I move to Canada next month."

"You are moving out? Why?"

Y/N totally shock to hear that.  This is the main reason he bring me here?! He should tell me earlier not now!

"Yup, I need to take over my father's business in that country.  Thanks to your dad to, he helps me a lot with all of this things."

Y/N is totally speechless right now.  She didn't know how to reply it.

"You should go now, tomorrow is the school day right? Get in the car quick."

Sehun push her into the the car and shut the door quickly after he is totally sure that Y/N is already in that car.  He is now waving to her with a smile.  He know all of his fault can't be forgiven by Y/N at this time but, he hopes that one day Y/N will forgive him.  He close the gate when the car can't be seen by his eyes anymore.  Goodbye Y/N, I hope that you can find your own happiness one day soon.


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