36- The Practice II

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The next day, all of the students of Daejeon High School have been shocked about Jeongwoo's issue.  They totally surprised and didn't expected that Jeongwoo would do the same thing as Hae Won.  So the school principal give the punishment to him same as Hae Won's punishment, he need to change the other school because he had been kicked from that school.

Seokjin could remember how Hae Won's face when they asked Jeongwoo and her about the latest fake news.  He also knew that if he doesn't hold Jimin's hand yesterday, that boy will punch both Jeongwoo and Hae Won in that cafe.  One of Hae Won's words that he could remember are...

"Don't make it too obvious or you'll regret it later."

He couldn't understand why Hae Won would said that words to him.  Is this about his relationship with Y/N? Or the other else? The questions is still wondering in his mind because he don't know how to solve it.

Jimin and the other members are practicing not far from Seokjin.  Seokjin don't know why but he don't have any mood to do the practice today, maybe because his mind keep remembering about Y/N right now.  How is she? Did she come to school today? How he miss Y/N so much after he break their relationship a few days ago.  What should I do to get her back? He sighed and not even realized that he throwed the ball strongly.

All of the members including Jimin startled when they heard a noice from the ball.  Jimin told the other members to continue their practice.  He walk towards Seokjin calmly and tried to called for Seokjin's name.

"Jin hyeong!"

Silent.  Seokjin didn't notice about it and Jimin tried to called for his name once again.

"Kim Seokjin ssi!"


Finally Seokjin had noticed about Jimin appearance who is walking towards him right now.  Jimin then throw a bottle of mineral water to his senior and luckily Seokjin could catch it.  Jimin take a seat beside him and his eyes are looking at Seokjin's face, worriedly.

"Hyeong are you okay?"

"Of course! Why?"

"Then why did you throwed the ball earlier?"

"I'm doing that? Me?"

"Yes, if you don't believe it you may asked the other members too."

Seokjin keep silent for awhile.  He is not sure either he want to share it with Jimin or not, but he need a solution about this!

"Jimin ah."


"Could you please help me?"

"Sure, about what?"



After the several days for not going to school, finally she can go back to school without worrying about that news anymore.  She can get her normal day again thanks to Jimin and Seokjin for helping her to solving about the fake news that had been viral in their school since last week.  She is totally shocked when Jimin told her that Hae Won and Jeongwoo are the person in charge who were spread the news all over the school.  Y/N thought Jeongwoo is a nice and kind boy, but she guessed it wrong.

When she walk into her classroom, all of her classmate look at her with worried look.  One of the girl walk towards her and hold her hand.

"Hey Y/N, I want to apologize with you because accusing you that you are cheating with Seokjin even though you are already in a relationship."

"Me too Y/N."

Another girl came and said the same thing to her.  Y/N feel relieved when one by one of her classmate come in front of her and saying sorry about the fake news.  She smiled and forgive everyone in her classmate.  They hugged each other and some of them are crying because they feel guilty towards her.

Jimin who were just entered the class look so confuse.  What just happened here? He trying to look for Y/N's figure among their classmate who were surround her at this moment.  Suddenly he got an idea, even though this idea is a little bit crazy.

"Jung Y/N!!"

Everyone now are looking at him including the person that he mention.  He smiled when he could see her figure in front of his eyes.  He walk as fast as he could to her and then he hug her tightly.  Y/N shocked for a seconds before she smile and hug him back.

"Miss me huh?"

"Of course I missed you, welcome back to school."

They let go of the hug and look at each other for a moments before their teacher interrupted them.

"Please sit at your own place class, including two lovely birds  in this class too."

Jimin and Y/N feel a little bit embarrassed after Mr. Choi look at them with a naughty face.  What a shame! Y/N glad that her appearance on that day in this school after being absent for almost a week will make all the students celebrate her like this.  She received lots of present from the Daejeon High School's students as an apologize towards her.  Y/N smiled.  She could never forget about this moment, never!


Y/N and Jimin go for a recess together.  They sit under the tree, where the bench place it there.  Y/N drink her favorite strawberry milk while Jimin just look at the students who were walking in front of them.  Today's weather is kinda windy and not to sunny, it was such a suitable day to go for a picnic.  But not for them, they need to school today.  Jimin suddenly turn his body and look at Y/N's face.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you still love Seokjin hyeong?"

Y/N who is still drinking the strawberry milk chocked as she didn't expect that Jimin could ask that kind of question to her on that time.

"Can you ask another question?"

"No.  Now answer me, do you still love Seokjin hyeong?"

It is hard to give an answer.  She want to say 'yes', but her heart still ache because Seokjin didn't believe on her and without give her a chance to explain about it, he decided to breaking up with her.  But if she want to say 'no', her felling doesn't know how to lie.  It was such a difficult decision!

"Jin hyeong!"

Y/N startled.  She didn't expect Seokjin will come to that place on that time.  She take her strawberry milk and trying to walk away from that place.  But unexpectedly Jimin grab her hand and he told her to sit on the bench back. Y/N trying to pull out her hand from Jimin's grab but she failed.   Suddenly she got an idea, she look at Jimin for awhile before she saying sorry to him.

"Jimin ah I'm sorry."

"For whATTTT!"

Y/N pinch Jimin's hand with all her might and that's make Jimin let go of her hand.  She take this chance and run as fast as she could without turning back anymore.  She is hoping that nobody will chase for her either Jimin or Seokjin. 

 When she feels like she is now safe from either Seokjin or Jimin, she stop running and tried to look back.  Thank God no one is following her.  She turned her body back and decided to go back to her class, without realize anything suddenly she bump into someone's chest.  Y/N touch her forehead and slowly look at the person who is standing in front of her.

"S-Seokjin oppa?!"


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