45- Winter Break

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Today is the last day for school as their winter break will start tomorrow.  And today they will get their examination result too and that's make all of the students in Daejeon High School feel a little bit nervous right now.  Same goes to Y/N and Jimin too.  All of their classmate are now praying and hoping that they get a better result than before.  About 15 minutes later, their class teacher for this semester, Mrs. Song  entered the class with a lot of paper in her hand.  That's make all of the students in that class feel more nervous than before.

"Are you ready class?"

Mrs. Song take out the result paper as she is getting ready to pass it to her students.  She started by calling one by one of her students in that class.  Y/N getting more nervous.  What if my math failed? No I hope it's not.  But what if... ARGH! Stop overthinking Y/N! Okay cool... It's gonna be alright...

"Jung Y/N."

Mrs. Song calling out her name.  She tried to stand but her legs are super shaking right now! Damn can you just relax? It's just a result... no it's not just a result, it is my one and only chances to be selected by any universities in this country.  She walk slowly to Mrs. Song table, and take her result without looking on it.  Mrs. Song smile by looking at Y/N's reaction.  She know that her student is quite nervous right now.

"Don't worry you got a good grade Y/N."

Y/N shocked.  Am I misheard? Or am I dreaming right now? Did Mrs. Song really said that... I got a good grade just now? She nodded to Mrs. Song and smile to her and quickly walk back to her seat.  With her eyes close, she slowly turn the result paper and open her eyes slowly.  Her eyes turned big as she couldn't believe it of what she just saw it.  She got all A's.  Yes... all A's.  

Jimin come to Y/N's seat after he take his result form Mrs. Song.  He look at Y/N who is still shocked after look at her own result.  Jimin take Y/N's result look for the each subject and he got the same reaction as Y/N.  

"Y/N ah congratulation!"

Jimin shake Y/N's body but Y/N didn't give any reaction on it.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Jimin ah..."

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Am I dreaming right now?"

"Nope... you're not dreaming.  Look!"

Y/N look again at her result and she started to cry.  Jimin startled.  He didn't expect that Y/N will cry like this.  All of the students in their class look at both of them.  Jimin just showing his innocent smile to them and slowly pat on Y/N's back as he trying to make Y/N feel calm.  He know that Y/N couldn't believe it, so do him.  

After school on that day, the three of them walk together to the convenience store to buy their lunch meal and spend some time there.  They talk about their result and at the same time they celebrate Y/N there as she got a great result today.  Both Seokjin and Jimin proud of her because the way she worked hard to improve her studies really impressed them.  

About 45 minutes they spend their time at the convenience store, they decided to walk back home.  Before that, Jimin and Seokjin had promised that they will come to Y/N's house tomorrow as they want to discuss and plan about their activities during the winter break.


The next day, Y/N woke up a little bit early than usual as she remembered about the boys who wants to come to her house today.  So she need to be ready and prepared everything before they come.  She walk out from her bedroom and walk towards the stairs as she want to go to the living room at the first floor. 

Y/N is a little bit surprised when she saw a figure at the living room.  That person is sitting at the sofa and not doing anything.  Who is he? From the back that person looks like Sehun a little bit.  Suddenly that person turn around and he look surprised too as he didn't know that Y/N is already there.

"Good morning Y/N."

"Tae Hyun? Why are you here today?"

What a stupid question from you Y/N.  He is your secretary, of course he need to be by your side!

"Err.. because I'm your secretary... and Mr. Jung told me to be by your side during the winter break too."

"For the whole winter break?"


Damn, this is not good.  Seokjin will be more jealous after this! What should I do? I can't fired him or else dad will scold me when he come back from France later.  She look at the wall clock, it's almost 9 a.m., Seokjin and Jimin will arrived around 9:30 a.m.. Gosh what should I do?!


"Huh? Why? What's wrong?"

"You look pale today, are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm good."

The bell suddenly ring loudly.  Oh no... This is not good.  Jimin and Seokjin are arrived now! Oh God! What should I do?  After Mr. Jeon had give the permission for the two boys to come in, they walk into the house without knowing about Tae Hyun's appearance.  Y/N open the door and at the same time she is trying so hard to make herself calm.  When Jimin and Seokjin walk until to the living room, they are totally shocked after they saw Tae Hyun was there.  Y/N sighed, and she is now hoping that she got a brilliant reason about Tae Hyun's appearance without making Seokjin feel jealousy about this.


Seokjin look at Tae Hyun's face for a several times.  Why Mr. Jung need to hired a secretary for her? I'm her boyfriend! I can take care of her too! Relax Seokjin, don't be so mad on this issues.  What is the most he can't accept is, Tae Hyun need to follow Y/N everywhere during this winter break.  Gosh I need some privacy with my girlfriend please!

"So which place we want to go first?"

"Strawberry farm!"

"What about you hyeong? Any interesting place you want to go?

"I want to do ski boarding."

"That's sound interesting! How about you Tae Hyun?"

"I don't mind at all, I will follow whatever activities that you guys had decided."

Seokjin smirk.  As you should do that little boy!  Y/N look at Seokjin's face, she knew that Seokjin will be jealous.  She can't do anything about this, Y/N sighed again.

"So our first activity is... we will go to the strawberry farm next week!"

Y/N look again at Seokjin.  Gosh he is still staring at Tae Hyun with a fierce look.  Hoping that when we go to the strawberry farm next week, they will get along together and no fight between both of them.  It will be more chaotic if they suddenly fight in front of the public.  No... I hope that everything is gonna be alright and hoping that we can make a lot of beautiful memories there!


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