35- The Investigations II

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The next day, Seokjin and Jimin quickly change their uniform school to a formal cloth as they want to follow Jeongwoo after this.  Luckily they didn't have any basketball practice for today, because Mr. Lee's wife gonna give birth a baby soon.  All of the basketball players got a one day off for today.  5 minutes later, they had done changing their cloth and walk as fast as they could because they don't want to missed this kind of chance.

"Jimin do you know where is Jeongwoo right now?"

"Of course I know! Now we need to hurry hyeong."

When both of them are quite near from the school gate, they could see Jeongwoo is there walking slowly as he is enjoying his MP3.  Then Seokjin and Jimin take out their mask and cap to wear it from the school bag, because they don't want either Jeongwoo or someone else could recognize their face.  Both Jimin and Seokjin followed Jeongwoo until to the one of the cafe that is near from their school.  They saw that Jeongwoo is at the counter to choose his drinks before he sit at the back of the cafe.

"Hyeong I think you need to stay here."

"Here? Outside the cafe? Alone?"

"Then should I call Y/N to accompany you?"

"N-No... No need."

"Stay here and stay alert, but don't be so obvious because I don't want people looking at you."

"Alright, now hurry up and go inside."

Jimin walk as fast as he can into the cafe.  He walks towards the counter first as he already planned it a few minutes ago with Seokjin.  A female worker who is at the counter smile at Jimin who is just entered the cafe.

"Hi welcome to Happy Happy Cafe, what do you want to order?"

"Hi I want to order one cold strawberry frape."

"Alright, anything else?"

"No that's it, oh by the way I want to ask you something?"


Jimin look at Jeongwoo, he is still alone and maybe he is waiting for someone. He look back at the female worker before he pointing to Jeongwoo.

"Did he already received his order?"

That female worker check on their list first before she giving an answer to Jimin.

"Not yet, why?"

"Can you put this but make sure not too obvious."

Jimin give a mini camera recorder to her.  That female worker feel a little bit worried about it because this is the first time one of their customer give a mission like this.

"May I know what is your relationship between that boy over there?"

"He is my little brother, my mom told me to spying on him because his attitude a little bit different lately."

"Oh I see, alright I will put it once his order had been done."

Jimin nodded with a smile and he then choose a seat behind that boy.  He don't want to make it obvious so he started to take out his hoodie and wear it while listening to a song.  He trying to make less eye contact with other people too.  A few minutes later, a female worker is delivering Jeongwoo's order.  He look at the female worker who is still standing at the counter, she then nodded with a smile to him and from that he knows that the camera already installed at Jeongwoo's tray.

Then a customer who is wearing all black from head to toe entered the cafe, Jimin could see that person is walking towards the line that he is sitting now.  He close his eyes and hoping that person will sit with Jeongwoo.

"Why are you late Hae Won? I have been waiting for you about 10 minutes you know!"

"Sorry.. I'm looking for Y/N at your school but I can't see her."

Jimin open his eyes back and shocked after what he had heard just now.  Hae Won is spying for Y/N all this time? No wonder the issues keep repeating in their school.  What a bad girl!

"Y/N? She didn't come to school today."

"What? Then how about our plan?"

"It is so obvious that we can do it Hae Won, now I think we need to stop all of this things."

"Stop doing it? Are you crazy? You want to give up?"

"Look if I'm still involving in this issues with you, it will make me get the same punishment as you!"

"Well.. that's a good idea actually.  Jeongwoo are you want to give up and stop liking Y/N right now?"

"I don't want it but.."

"So we need to proceed what we had planned before.  You want to make Y/N yours and I want to make Seokjin as my boyfriend, clear it?"

Jimin clasped his hand, he cannot believe it.  Hae Won and Jeongwoo are the mastermind behind all of this? He can't keep calming any longer before he decided to stand up and facing with both of them.  He take out his hoodie and a mask, and that's make Hae Won is totally shock.


Hae Won take this chance and run out from the cafe leaving Jeongwoo alone.  Jimin quickly hold Jeongwoo's school uniform collar because he don't want to loose Jeongwoo too.  Jimin then smirk at Jeongwoo, serve you right Park Jeongwoo.

"Hey little boy, we need to discuss something about this."


Seokjin who is still waiting outside the cafe is starting to sweating.  He saw a person who is fully wear the black outfit from head to toe and walk towards to Jeongwoo's table.  Is that Hae Won? Why is she looks a little bit different than before?  He look from the beginning that girl entered the cafe until Jimin started to interrupt their conversation.  

When Hae Won starting to run away just to avoid Jimin, he quickly run towards the cafe entrance and wait her there.  Hae Won who is totally didn't know about this agenda kinda surprised when she saw a tall boy who is standing in front of her right now.  The boy staring at her before he took of his mask and that's make Hae Won speechless.

"Where do you want to go?"

"S-Seokjin oppa? Why are you here?"

"Isn't that too obvious? Let's get inside together.  We need to talk about this Miss Park Hae Won."

Seokjin grab her hand and they walk together inside the cafe.  He hopes that he can solve this problem as soon as possible because he want to  making up his relationship with Y/N again.  He know that Y/N is a kind girl, but because of this kind of fake news his relationship with Y/N break just like that.


p/s: I hope that you understand about what I want to tell you in this chapter 😔

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