Twin pt 3

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//This was requested so I hope you enjoy. 💗

Over the next couple months the twins ignore each other.
(Y/n) and Denki go on cute dates once a week, with permission from Aizawa to leave campus.
Everyone was happy for the two, except for Mineta who was jealous.
Katsuki noticed how happy his sister was with Denki and couldn't help feeling angry. He didn't want her to date his idiot friend.
She wasn't supposed to date at all.
He believed no one deserved her.
Secretly he also worried about her being quirkless. He knew she was strong without one but scenarios of her being kidnapped always seem to sneak in.
He managed because of his quirk but she didn't have that luxury.

Bakugo stares at the couple eating on the other end of the table.
Denki feeds (Y/n) a fry and she giggles.
"Is your burger ok? Did I cook it long enough?" (Y/n) asks, gesturing to her boyfriend's plate.
"It's perfect. Just like you." He responds and smirks.
The girl blushes and shakes her head.
"It's kinda gross how cute they are." Ojiro comments from a table over.
"I know right? I love it!" Mina squeals.
The couple looks around and blushes in embarrassment from the class talking about them.
Katsuki rolls his eyes and finishes his dinner. "Are you leaving soon? The old hag texted me an hour ago." He asks and his sister finally looks at him.
"I told dad I was staying the night."
"Your father lets you spend the night with your boyfriend?" Ochako asks.
"Yeah. He knows we won't do anything. It's mom who blew up. And of course the angry pomeranian at the end of the table."
The said blonde boy growls. "Dunce face if you try anything I'll kill you."
"Whoa Bakubro! Calm down." Kirishima pats his friend's shoulder.
"Don't worry Bakugou. I haven't done anything. And I don't plan to. I swear." Denki responds.
(Y/n) stands up suddenly and looks at her twin. "I'm not a baby anymore Katsu. I-I can take care of myself." She stutters and quickly walks upstairs.

Denki didn't know if he should follow her for comfort or give her space.
Finally he put their dinner away and left the plates on the counter. He assumed she went to his dorm and found her sitting next to the window.
The drapes were only slightly open so she could look outside.
Denki sits on the other side of the window, their feet poking each other.
"I'm sorry I left so suddenly."
"It's ok."
"He's because I'm quirkless. He's always felt the need to protect me from everything. Any guy I liked, he chased away because they weren't good enough for me."
"You are an amazing woman. I feel like the luckiest guy alive. Although having Bakugou as a future brother-in-law kinda terrifies me."
"You think we're gonna get married someday?" She asked surprised.
Denki smiles. "I hope so. I love you, as crazy as it might sound. Do you love me?"
"Of course I do. I love you so much. It's kinda embarrassing."

Katsuki listens from outside the room, his fists clenched. He sighs softly and pounds on the door.
"Come on in." Denki calls.
Bakugou walks in, hands in his pockets.
"Bakugou? Are you gonna explode my face?" The lightning boy asks, nervous.
"Shut up, dunce face."
"Katsu st-"
"Let me talk first." He cuts off his sister.
She looks at him and bites her lip.
"I refuse to accept your relationship. But I won't break you up. Denki I will burn you alive if you ever hurt her though. Am I understood?"
The sitting blonde nods quickly. "I understand. Thank you."
"Whatever sparky."
(Y/n) stands up and hugs her brother. "I love you Katsu."
"Shut up shorty. I'm going to bed."
"I mean it Teddy Bear. I will always be your little sister. I'll be strong but you can always worry about me." She whispers so Denki couldn't hear.
The said boy stays by the window.
Katsuki sighs and nods. "I'm sorry." He whispers in her ear. He gently kisses her forehead then leaves.
(Y/n) smiles at his apology and approval of their relationship. She goes back to her boyfriend and sits between his legs.
"Is everything ok?" Denki asks.
The girl nods and lays her head on his chest. "Everything is perfect."

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