Part 1

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(Y/n) used to be a shy child. She never left the house due to health issues. This didn't stop her from trying to get strong. She worked around her health to build it up.
Her parents were proud of her. They weren't pro heroes and they didn't try to push her to be one either.
The child enjoyed watching heroes on tv and hearing her parents talk about the ones they see on their way to work though.
By the time she got into middle school she was more comfortable with others and their quirks.
Her own quirk manifested a bit later than others.
Spacial portals.
She still avoided people and focused on her studies. Soon she was top of her class.
Her classmates were happy for her but she hardly paid attention to their praise.
She merely smiled and went back to her notebook.
Around the school she was considered a sweet, smart girl.
But there's always a bully in a hero based society.
For (Y/n), her name was Lily.
Lily tried to make others think (Y/n) was a villain. "She used her portal to send me to a villain's base. They hurt me and my parents had to spend so much money to get me back. She even sent my friends to bad places too."
That was a normal occurrence.
A lot of students believed Lily too.
(Y/n) was such a closed off girl that she became a bad guy in most of their eyes.
(Y/n) didn't know how to respond to the false accusations so she decided to stay quiet.
The friends that she had, stopped talking to her.
Her parents had no idea anything was wrong in their daughter's life.

One day (Y/n) was walking in the park when a green haired boy bumped into her.
She fell to the ground and hit her head.
A small gasp exits her lips as the air from her lungs disappeared for a moment.
The boy gasps and quickly kneels next to her. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Are you hurt?"
As the tears stream down her cheeks slowly she holds her head.
Her hand was red with blood and his eyes widen.
"Oh god! I have to get you to the hospital. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Can you stand? Should I call an ambulance?" He begins rambling as he paces back and forth.
She sits up still holding her head and with her free hand she makes a portal.
He looks at the portal quickly and helps her stand. "A portal? That's so cool. Can you tell me more about that?"
She looks at him then the portal.
"Oh right. Sorry. Hospital first, questions later."
The two walk through the red glow and she collapses into his arms.

A doctor rushes over and picks her up, laying her on a nearby gurney. He examined her injury and smiles.
"Is she gonna be ok?" Izuku asks.
"She'll be fine." The doctor responds wheeling her to a room. He stitches her gash and wraps a bandage around her head.
Izuku went home and explained everything to his mother.
"Why don't you get her flowers?" Inko offers and her son nods in agreement.
The doctor calls (Y/n)'s parents and explains what happened.
The parents were quick to get to the hospital. They explained her fragile health to the doctor over the phone.
The doctor made note and went to check on her immediately.
The girl was sleeping peacefully, thankfully.

The next day Izuku bought a small bouquet and after he went to the hospital.
Out of curiosity Katsuki followed the nerd.
If he had a girlfriend it was one more thing the bully could tease him about.
The blonde was confused at first seeing Izuku at the hospital and almost worried the broccoli boy's mom was there.
The two boys get inside and go to the right floor.
"You're just in time kid. She just woke up." The same doctor informs Midoriya.
The teen nods and walks into the room.
(Y/n) looks over confused. "You came back?"
Katsuki listens from outside the open door.
"Yeah. I brought you some flowers. I didn't know what kind you liked so I just bought the most colorful. I'm really so sorry about bumping into you. I was too busy looking at my quirk journal. Which reminds me could you tell me more about your quirk. I find it really interesting. But if you don't want me to, that's fine too."
(Y/n) giggles quietly. "Thank you for the flowers. If you really wanna know more I'll gladly tell you about my quirk. But um... My name is (Y/n). What is yours?"
"Oh yeah! My name is Izuku. But Kacchan calls me Deku."
"Who is Kacchan?"
"He's one of my friends. Well more like one sided friend. He's more like my bully." He responds rubbing his nape.
(Y/n) frowns. "That's not cool. Bully's suck. I have my own bully named Lily. She made everyone believe I was a villain because I use spacial portals."
Katsuki's hand sparks slightly in anger at the two talking. The more he thought about it he remembered some kids talking about a girl with a portal quirk.
He thought it was a cool quirk and found it really useful.
To know those rumors were false and hurt her made him pissed.
"I hope we can be friends Izuku. I stopped going to school but maybe I'll go back. Where are you going to high school?"
"I actually applied for UA. As crazy as that sounds."
"UA? Wow. I heard that's a super intense hero school. A lot of heroes come from there. I don't think I could get in."
"You wouldn't have to be in the same class. You could be in class B or C." Izuku quickly interjects.
She giggles softly and nods. "General studies might be a good fit. I never planned to be a pro hero but if I can save someone I'd be happy. Fame and glory mean nothing to me."
"Then I'll be the number one hero just for you."
The two blush deeply.
Katsuki's hand sparks more and a nurse kicks him out.

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