Cleaning Unaware

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Bakugou looks at his phone confused.
An unknown number sent him a message.
"Your wife looks beautiful when she's cleaning. I think I'll make her my housewife."
The hero growls and yells at his sidekicks to help him.
Bakugou races home and calls his wife's name while running around the house.
The woman of course didn't hear anything. She had headphones on, the music turned up and she was dancing around with the vacuum.
The blonde bursts into their bedroom and sighs in relief.
Although he blushes when he notices she's only wearing a sports bra and panties.
Some of his sidekicks rush over and look at the woman.
The hero growls and they quickly look away.

Bakugou walks over and hugs his wife tightly.
She screams, turning around and punches her husband in the gut.
The man groans and holds his stomach.
(Y/n) takes off her headphones and looks at him confused. "What are you doing home so early?"
"I got a text from some random person threatening you."
"Me? Why me?"
"I don't know yet. But when I find the bastard you can be sure I won't let him li-"
"Katsu, no killing." (Y/n) interrupts and puts her hands on his chest.

The hero holds his wife close and kisses her gently. "Teddy Bear, you're only wearing underwear. Why are you cleaning like this?"
"Cause I'm hot and I didn't wanna get dressed. I'm in my own home, why should it matter?"
"Because my sidekicks just saw you. And the person who texted me saw you too."
The woman looks around and crosses her arms over her chest.
Bakugou sighs softly and grabs her robe. "Let's cover you up."
(Y/n) quickly ties the robe and buries her face in his chest.
"Teddy Bear, I won't let him hurt you. I won't leave your side until this guy is found."

"Sir we got a hit on the number used." One of the sidekicks informs.
Bakugou kisses his wife gently. "Pack a bag for a few nights. We're gonna spend the night at the office."
(Y/n) nods and starts packing.
"Go back to the agency. We'll be there to discuss everything in a few minutes." Bakugou instructs his sidekick.
The boy nods and leaves, taking the others with him.

The blonde turns back to his wife then laughs softly. "I think you should probably get dressed before we leave."
The (h/c) laughs softly and nods. "I guess you're right."
Bakugou watches his wife get dressed then grabs her bag. He escorts her outside to her car.
She gets in the passenger seat and buckles up.
He gets the bags in the car then gets into the driver's seat.
"I love you Katsu." She whispers and squeezes his hand.
Katsuki squeezes back and drives to his agency building.

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