Too Far

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Bakugou has anger issues.
That's not something he hides and everyone knows about it.
But it's not something that made (Y/n) love him less.
His explosive personality is what made her fall in love.
And her sass and retaliation is what made him fall in love.
She's someone who doesn't take his shit and knows how to throw it back.
Deep down she's still a softy, just like him.
Which is another reason he loves her and would never do anything to hurt her.
Even when they fight all it takes is a cool down period before they're ok again.
Although this time was different.

Bakugou insults (Y/n) sometimes and she does it back.
But this time he went too far.
This time instead of being angry and storming off, (Y/n) begins to cry.
After seeing her tears he turns away and storms off.
Bakugou slams their bedroom door and sits on the bed.
His anger immediately disappears and tears stream down his own cheeks.
"Fuck," he whispers. "Why did I say that? This was the final straw wasn't it? She's going to actually leave me this time. I made her cry, something I promised I wouldn't ever do. Dammit." He pounds his fist against his forehead.

He grips her pillow and buries his face in it.
His cries are muffled by the head rest.
(Y/n) stands there for a bit, tears continuing to fall slowly.
Finally she walks onto their porch and sits on the swing.
Her feet push her back and forth gently and she looks at her lap.
Soon she lays on her side but the swing keeps moving.
(Y/n) cries quietly into the pillow and eventually falls asleep.

After many hours Katsuki walks out of the room and looks for his girlfriend.
When he sees her on the swing his heart clenches.
She's definitely uncomfortable.
He picks her up and carries her to their bed.
When he lays her back she immediately buries her face in the pillow.
Bakugou moves hair out of her face then kisses her cheek.
Instead of laying on the bed he sits next to the bed and falls asleep there.

When (Y/n) wakes up the next morning she looks around and sees she's in bed.
"How did..." she trails off when she sees little blonde spikes.
Bakugou is still asleep on the floor, leaning against the bed.
"Katsu..." she whispers and moves to his side of the bed.
Her hand gently plays with his hair and her eyes close.
The blonde wakes up slowly and looks around with his eyes.
When he notices her hand he tenses and slowly looks up at her.

"Katsu," she whispers.
"T-teddy bear." He stutters and sniffles slightly.
"Were you crying?" She asks sadly.
Katsuki quickly moves to his knees and kisses her passionately.
Obviously the woman is taken aback but kisses back, cupping his cheek.
Her other hand grips the sheets.
His slight crying breaks the kiss but neither pull away.
"I'm so sorry." He finally mumbles against her lips.
She pulls away to respond but he shakes his head and deepens the kiss.
(Y/n) blushes but lets him.

After a while he pulls away and sniffles, hiccuping once in a while.
(Y/n) looks into his eyes and rubs his cheek with her thumb. "Katsuki I love you."
"I love you so much, teddy bear. Please don't leave me." He begs and grips her shirt.
"Why would I leave you?"
"Because I went too far last night. I am a horrible person and I'm a monster. You should hate me and leave me. But please don't! I don't know what I'd do without you." He quickly rants and looks deep into her eyes.
"Katsuki just because we had a bad fight doesn't mean I would leave you. It just means you have a lot to make up for."

The hero sighs in relief and hugs her tightly.
"I still can't believe you cried too." She whispers and plays with his hair.
"I thought you were going to leave me. You had every right to."
"I promise I won't." The woman holds his hand and kisses his cheek.
He manages a weak smile and lays in the bed next to her. Bakugou holds her close as she lays her head on his chest.
It didn't take long before they both fell back asleep.

Bakugou Katsuki x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now