Cross country in the rain pt.2 (Tommy and Wilbur)

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Wilbur POV:

He and the LSA were talking, well the LSA was talking, Tommy was staring at the floor. "Oh Wilbur, there you are. I was just saying to Thomas that he has chemistry right now, and that I was just going to walk up there with him."

"Oh no, it's perfectly alright Miss, I actually have a free period right now. I'll take him up there for you."

"Thanks Wilbur. Alright Tommy, is that okay?" He nodded his head quickly and looked up at me, smiling. It's always much cooler to turn up to class with a sixth former than a teacher. I knew that. And we started to make our way up to his classroom on the third floor of the science block, I was still holding onto his blazer.

"Who do you have for chemistry Tommy?"

"Mr Roster. He's nice, I like him. And I like chemistry. It's my favourite science. Well actually my favourite subject. And Mr Roster makes it better. He lets me work by myself and he comes and talks to me so I don't have to talk to the people in my class. I like it when teachers do that."

"Oh that's good. Would you mind if you stayed for 10 minutes at lunch with Mr Roster so us 3 can have a chat about today?"

"No I wouldn't mind, I'd like that. But why are we talking to Mr Roster about today?"

"You already know what happens at the end of this year. We both do. Maybe, if you trust him enough, he might be able to help you next year when I'm not here. We'll see what he says when we talk to him later, okay?"

"Maybe." He walked in without a goodbye or anything and took a seat at the back of the classroom. We were a little late, and the class were already working away at something.

"Hey Big Man Tommy! It's awesome you're here today. The starter questions are on the whiteboard for you mate! Ah, Wilbur, what can I do for you?" He turned towards me.

"Do you by any chance have 10 or so minutes at the start of lunch today? Tommy and I were hoping to talk to you."

"Yea, I'm free. Is everything okay? Or is it just a bad day for him?"

"Sensory overload: they had cross country in the rain. Also, this is his," I handed him the blazer, "he's refusing to wear it. I have a feeling the texture is just too much."

"That explains the mud on his face and the reason he keeps squinting. Thank you for letting me know. See you Wilbur." He placed the blazer on a hook attached the the side of his desk, and switched the lights off.

"Thank you Sir." I made my way back to the sixth form centre and met with George.

The time went quickly, hanging out with George, and I arrived at chemistry just in time for the other kids to leave. Tommy was still sat at the back of the classroom, now reading through a chemistry text book.

Tommy's POV:

I watched Wilbur stand outside the door to my classroom, and decided that I would wait until I was forced to engage in a conversation. "Come on in Wilbur," Mr Roster said, as he turned the lights back on. Why did he have to turn the lights back on? Why did Wilbur have to bring up the fact he was going to university after this year? I had only just forgotten it again. And now I was tired, upset, and I had a headache from the lights already.

"So what did you two want to talk about?" Wilbur started talking, I just put my fingers in my ear and closed my eyes. I could feel the dried mud on my face and it was bothering me to no end. And I didn't want to lose it in front of either of them, I didn't want to disappoint them and I didn't want them to think I was childish. I got out of my chair and walked up to the light switch flicking it on and off and on and off, because watching it proved to me there was right and wrong and that meant that everything was alright. But as a matter of fact, nothing was alright. I watched Wilbur come and sit down crossed-legged in between me and the wall where the light switch lived, in my peripheral vision. And as a habit, I copied him. Then Mr Roster, sat on my other side. "Everything's going to be alright Tommy. I'll be here until you leave for university just like Wilbur is."

"And just because I've gone to university Tommy doesn't mean you're never going to see me again."

"I know. I'm not 5. But I act like it. I know I do. But you two, you don't treat me like it. Everyone else treats me like it. Mum still makes me take spare underwear to school, at the age of 11. No one else does that. No one else's Mums make them do that. I'm not normal. I know I'm not normal. And I don't want to be. But I do want to be me. And I'm not 5. I'm 11, and my name is Tommy, not Thomas. I don't like change of routine, or my school blazer. But I do like chemistry and watching rain. And I understand the world wants me to be someone I'm not, whilst preaching to me about being myself. I also understand that this morning sucked, that this day sucks. And that that's fine. Because maybe tomorrow will be alright. But I don't know how to cope when a day sucks, without you Wilbur."

"Well, you'll learn, I promise you. I can help teach you. Mr Roster can help teach you. I know that life for you is going to suck at some points Tommy, and at other points it's going to be great. Because that's how life works. And you are going to do great, even with dried mud on your face. Okay?"

"Okay Wilbur."

"Thank you Mr Roster. On behalf of both of us."

"Thank you Wilbur. And thank you Tommy." We didn't need to say goodbye, instead, we started walking down the many flights of stairs.

"Come on mate, George has saved us a table for lunch. You're going to sit with us today."

"Thanks Wilbur. A really big thank you."

"You're welcome mate."

A/n Hey. Thank you for reading this. What do you think about the end of this story? Would you like to see a part 3? What would you want in part 3? Hope you enjoyed. Any requests are welcome, but I do have more ideas coming.

Thank you,


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