America: day 10

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Tommy's POV:

I woke up to an entirely quiet house. Dug was tucked under my arm and because I was a big man and not a child, I took him from there quickly and rested him at the end of the bed. Checking my phone, I saw that it was 9 o'clock, but I wasn't really tired anymore, just a little overwhelmed I guess? I don't know, even at 17, a lot of the time it was still quite hard to work out my emotions.

Getting dressed and ready for the day, I then quietly went downstairs and scrolled through my phone whilst eating an apple. Knowing we were probably going to eat later, I decided to just eat something small. I felt a little funny, but I presumed it was just mental exhaustion and continued with my day.

Phil came down a little bit later, fully dressed. He looked shocked to see me there but his face soon changed to a smile as he greeted me with a good morning.

"Morning Phil."

"You feeling alright mate?"

"Yea, just tired. And ummm I'm sorry for being such a pain yesterday and the day before. I know I kind of ruined it for everyone else."

He came and sat next to me at the dining table, "Tom, do you trust me?"

"Yea, of course I do. Why?"

"Well, you need to trust me when I say you haven't ruined anything. You weren't a pain yesterday, you were just really struggling, and that's okay. We help you because you are our friend and we care about you, okay?"

"Okay." I sat there quietly.

"Today, we are just going to chill. Maybe another movie night. We'll probably get a takeaway of some kind. And hey, how's you head been since the, well you know?"

"Better, I had a headache the day after but I've felt completely fine since."

"Okay, well, how does a pool day sound!"

"It sounds good."

"Okay, let's wait for everyone else to get up, I'll message Techno to let him know."

"Yea. I don't think Techno will want to go in the pool though."

"Well just have to wait and see," Phil chuckled slightly as he said it, so I just joined in, even though he hadn't said anything particularly funny.

Time skip:

We were all sat round the dining table, including Techno, finishing up breakfast, which Will had cooked. Apparently, despite being unable to cook most things: breakfast food (including the omelettes we had that morning) was something Will had a certain flair with. Which I was not complaining about, whatsoever. The breakfasts were always good in that household.

After breakfast, I ran upstairs (I mean my idea of running, which wasn't really that fast at all) to get ready for the pool day. Phil stated he was going to the shop with Techno to pick up barbeque food for lunch, and 'toys' for the pool. So, Will, Tubbo, Ranboo and I got in the pool around half an hour after breakfast, and proceeded just to chill and talk. I was feeling pretty tired from the day before, but specifically in the social sense. My social battery might have well not existed at that point. But I liked being underwater and hearing the other 3's voices fade away from me. That was until someone grabbed me from behind.

It was Techno. Shoving me up in the air and throwing me over towards Wil. I was shocked at first, and took a moment to process everything (including the fact I had been zoned out for so long), but then just laughed and tried to swim away from Will and he went to throw me back to Techno. As expected, he caught up to me and I was soon chucked back over towards Techno. I was laughing my head off, while trying not to swallow any water and drown.

"OI YOU LOT STOP CHUCKING THE CHILD AROUND. I DON'T NEED HIM GETTING ANOTHER HEAD INJURY!" Phil yelled in a joking manner, as he too got in the swimming pool.

We all laughed and then bobbed about, talking to each other, just chilling. And so, as the socialising continued, I disappeared back under the water. Just floating around. Then suddenly someone grabbed me from behind again. What is it with people?!

This time it was Ranboo, telling me that they were going to start barbequing. "Why didn't you just say?"

"We did Tommy. You didn't respond. Techno said something about you not being dead just zoned out. Phil thought you were drowning for a few seconds."

"Okay, well I'm not dead, so I guess that's good."

"Pretty good." He smiled and we both sat on the side of the pool with Tubbo, whilst the adults busied themselves with food preparation. They talked and whilst I would add the odd comment, I mostly remained silent.

"You alright Tommy?" Tubbo gave a nervous smile with his question.

I just nodded, kicking my legs about in the water a bit. I was getting quite tired now, and would rather just observe than be a part of everything.

"Do you want me to get your ipad man?" Ranboo was now asking questions.


"Was that a yes or a no?"

"I think it was more of uh, please stop talking to me?" Ranboo answered Tubbo's question for me. I just nodded and smiled weakly, looking back out across the pool.

Phil's POV:

I was helping Will and Techno with the barbeque, but could see Tommy becoming more and more distant, which was fine, because he was probably very tired, but I also just wanted to watch out for him. Maybe I was being a little over-protective but I felt a similar way about all 3 of the teenagers that were staying with us. Still I left them to it for now. Tommy seemed to just be preferring to observe everything, and that continued when we sat down at the garden table for food. Everyone talked, and he smiled as he observed the conversations. It seemed that he was quite happy just being there but not being a part of it all and that was fine with everyone else.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. Sorry this one is a little late, I've had a busy few days recently and just haven't found the time to write. The next part will probably be a part 2 to this, and sorry that this one is so short. I wanted to get something written for you guys so that if this is your comfort fic, you at least get a little comfort (and I hope that I succeeded in that! Hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

Thank you.

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