I'm actually panicking pt.2 (Ranboo and Dream)

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TW- panic attack

Dream's POV:

"Take a deep breath with me Ranboo. Breathe in," I paused, trying to figure out how I was going to calm him down, "and out," I continued.

"I can't."

"Yes you can, just try it with me." He took some wobbly breaths in. "That's it, you're doing really well. In and out."

"My chest hurts."

"That's okay, it will stop hurting if you take some deep breaths."

"It feels like I'm dying."

"You're not dying, you're okay. You just need to take some deep breaths with me and everything will sort itself out."


"Yes really."

"Cause it really feels like I'm dying!" He semi-shouted the last bit. And I became worried for a second that everything I was doing was just making things worse.

"You're not dying, I promise you Ranboo. Just take another deep breath, please?"


"Yes. I promise." He began to take a deep breath and I joined in with him.

After around 5 minutes of deep breathing, Ranboo began to talk. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I just uh."

I cut in, "it's okay man. Do you want to talk about what made you stressed?" I was pretty unsure of where to go from this point, and Ranboo seemed even more anxious. "You know what, let's leave it for a bit. Do you want to play a game or something? Anything you like."

"Umm can we play bedwars?" He mumbled.

"Sure. Let me load it up." The call went silent, and the only thing that could be heard was the whacking of keyboards. I hummed lightly in order to make it the tiniest bit less awkward.

"Are the fans mad?"

"No, not at you, not at anything."

"Are you mad?"

"No, definitely not. You had a panic attack Ranboo, it's not like it's something you can help."

"Okay, it's just I messed up the stream. And it ended suddenly. And I probably didn't make any sense."

"Everything's fine. You didn't mess up the stream, we can schedule the last bit for another time. We can do it whenever you are ready."


"And I've already looked at twitter. The fans are saying that your character had a panic attack and then fainted. That explains the slightly odd behaviours and the sudden ending. And they are loving that idea. So your back is completely covered."

"That's good."

"And so you've got nothing else to worry about. Let's just chill for a bit and muck about on bedwars."

"I'll invite you to a party."


"And uh, thank you Dream for being nice about it. And helping me calm down."

"You're welcome. But I just did what anyone would."

Ranboo hummed lightly, something which I remembered him telling me was his way of answering even when he didn't know what to say. So we hopped into a bedwars game and started playing.

Time skip brought to you by the author, that's me: 

Time sort of got away from us at that point and the next few hours we spent in bedwars games. Enjoying us being nicknamed and just being able to chill and chat. Neither of us were great at small talk, so we always ended up having long and in depth conversations about things we were interested in. This time, we ran through topics like cartoons we watched as kids, our first minecraft worlds and things we would like to do if we ever went to the UK. Turns out the both of us want to go visit a British beach. We somehow both had the idea that the beach would feel different over there.

There was a knock at Ranboo's door. "I'll just go see who it is."

"Yea, go ahead." I mumbled, sitting patiently until he came back.

"I should get going."

"Oh okay, everything good?"

"Yea, it's late and my mom wants to talk to me."

"Okay, I'll let you go. You sure everything is okay though?" I could sense something was of. Like the tremble in his voice was back, the same one I had noticed earlier during his panic attack. And he stumbled over his words every now and again.

"My mom doesn't believe I'm autistic. And well, she doesn't really believe in mental health either."

"That's not good."

"Not really."

"Do you want me to stay on call or anything?"

"No, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


"Okay then, bye Ranboo."

"See you later man." I ended the call and sat in my seat twiddling my thumbs. 

Eventually I decided I was hungry, and order some food in. Sitting on my couch, I put a movie on my tv and started eating. The movie was boring, and to be honest it was just on to try and take my mind off things. I was kind of worried about Ranboo. Especially when his mom sounded so unhelpful. I was pretty lucky when it came to my own parents. They didn't understand everything -mostly because they weren't the ones living it- but they were as accepting as anyone could be. And once we worked out that online school would be best for me, they agreed to switch. They were supportive when they realised that I was more interested in computer stuff. And my dad even did the typical parent thing and tried to learn computer code in order to have a shared interest with me. (It never did end too well.)

But who knows, maybe if I had autism instead of ADHD, it would have been different. They certainly change the way a person lives their life, so I guess it also changes the lives of the people around them. You never really know. 

A notification from my phone made me pause the film. It was a discord dm from Ranboo. It read: 'everything's okay, mom wants me to go back to my therapist and talk about anxiety'

I started typing back, 'that's good, as long as you want to do that?'

'Yea, it's good and it should help me, so I don't mind.'

'I'm glad you might enjoy able to get some help.'

'Yea, thanks'

'Night man'

'Goodnight' He went offline, and I sat looking at my phone for a few minutes. Turns out I had been worried for nothing. I hoped that it would stay that way.

GA/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Requests are open as per usual, and if you have already requested something and are just waiting for it to be published, I promise at some point it will be. I'm working through a lot of them (like this one) at the moment as I've been writing a lot more recently. The next part will be the 50k special so thank you all so much for 50k reads!

Also definitely no disrespect to Ranboo's mum, I always feel bad about writing people in a bad light. So this is more for my own peace of mind as I know it makes no difference to anyone else.

Let me know, how was your day today? What's your favourite animal?

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