America: Disneyland pt.11

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Techno's POV:

The ride back to the house was quiet, I wouldn't say peaceful, but definitely quiet. Tommy was asleep and drooling on Wilbur's jumper. Which he hadn't realised yet, but I'd be sure to point it out to him (and laugh at him about it, him specifically, not Tommy). Phil and I talked quietly but other than that, pretty much no one talked.

The car pulled up to the house, I got out and helped with Tommy as Phil went and unlocked the door. Whispering to try and not wake him up until we were ready, I talked to Wilbur.

"I'll piggy back him in and upstairs. Get him to put pajamas on. Bring him down for Up?"

"Sounds good, I'll get backpack off Charlie." I nodded to look up and see Charlie sat there, trying to work out what was happening. He was kind of stuck behind Tommy and Wilbur, until the 2 got out of their seats.

"Tommy, we are at the house. Wake up." Tommy jolted awake and instantly clung on to Wilbur.

"Want another piggy back?" He nodded, rubbing sleep from his eyes and still holding Dug.

Wilbur got out the car, and Tommy climbed out the car door, onto my back. Dug was in Tommy's hand, hitting my chest as I walked about. I turned to Wilbur and pointed out the drool to him, which he just smiled and chuckled at. He didn't seem too bothered, but we were all tired.

"Right come on Tommy. Let's go in." Humming to myself (but technically to him too), I walked through the house and struggled up the stairs. "Jump off, onto your bed and I'll help with the pajamas okay?"

"Shoes first," he pulled them off and handed each one to me. I put them on the floor by his bedroom door so I could take them down with us. "Okay, what pajamas do you want to wear? Come choose some." I stood with my hands on his shoulders -just letting him know I was still there- as he chose his pajamas. "Well done. Now I'm going to take your shoes downstairs, I'll be back in a minute, you get changed yea?" He nodded and sat back down on his bed.

"Is he alright?" Wilbur came over and stood with me.

"Yea, he seemed fine, just tired. Bringing these down for him," I held up his shoes.

"Oh ok. He'll probably fall asleep during up."

"I've made pasta bake, reckon he'll eat any of that before falling asleep?" Phil joined our conversation.

"He might eat a bowl of cereal. I know he probably won't eat pasta bake though, be too overwhelming after today."

"Yea, I forgot about that."

"It's fine Phil, the rest of us are hungry so we'll definitely eat it."

"Yea, and is Tubbo alright?"

"Yep, nearly passed out on me once or twice but didn't in the end. I left him to sleep, I assume he still is now, I haven't had a chance to check on him just yet."

"Well, Ranboo went up, so he probably checked on him them. But I can check when I got back up to Tommy's room."

"Yea thanks Techno."

"In fact, I should probably go up now."

I slipped out the conversation and walked up the stairs, straight to Tommy's room. The door was open and a pile of his dirty clothes on the floor, but no Tommy. The bathroom door was also open, but I hadn't seen him go downstairs, he was somewhere upstairs. Deciding instead to check on Tubbo for Phil, I found the 3 youngest there.

"Hey Techno." Tubbo smiled at me, looking a little pale and tired but otherwise fine. 

"Hey Tubbo, how are you feeling?"

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