America: Disneyland pt.4

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Wilbur's POV:

"Tommy, we are about to go. Sorry man, you've got to sit up." Tommy leant on me instead.

"Hey man. Why don't we let the others go now, we'll get ready and follow them in a little bit?" He just nestled further into me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, "been a tough day huh?" I moved his hair out from the front of his face, pushing it to the side a little. The ear defenders were quite big, but they helped a lot and Tommy felt safer wearing them.


"You want to go home or back to the house?"


"I'm sorry Tommy, we are going back to the house yet, but we are going back later I promise."

He sighed heavily and nodded. "Tech?"

"Do you want Techno?"


"Hey Techno?" I called out Ranboo's open car door. They had all gotten out (Tubbo once again claiming out the boot) and were stood around the car just getting their stuff together. 

Techno appeared at the door, "Yea?"

"Tommy wanted you."

"Hey Tommy, what can I help with?" He pointed at Techno them himself, then over at the main gates through to the park. "You want me to come with you? Ok. I think you and Wilbur were going stay here for a bit and calm down, so why don't I stay here too?" He looked at me and I nodded. Any offered help, was needed help.

Tommy just nodded, turned back around and curled back into me. Moving his left hand to hold onto my index finger tightly. Techno sat where Ranboo had been and sat goodbye to the other 3. They were going to go on and find everyone and then we'd call them to find out where they were when we got into the park. Tommy needed the time to work things out and get some shoes on.

"You were doing that earlier weren't you Tommy? Holding onto my index finger." Whispering to me he then said, "he needs to know someone is there. I think his processing is gone with the meltdown and all. He's also probably exhausted. Kind of feel bad dragging him to Disney."

"I mean, we'll give it a go. I think he's understood we aren't going back to the house now, so we'll see how it goes." I stopped whispering back and said, "why don't we get some socks and shoes on?" He squeezed me a little harder. I ruffled his hair and opened the car door. 

"Do you want to undo your belt Tommy?" Tommy clicked it and then attached himself to Techno, who seemed uncomfortable at first and then just let it happen.

"Right, socks. There you go Tommy." I passed him his socks which he put on, humming away to himself, probably unaware of how loud he was, with his ear defenders on. "And trainers." Again, he did it just fine. We high-fived, he and Techno high-fived and then we got out the car.

Techno stood with him to the side of the car as I got his backpack out and cleared some of the rubbish up.

Techno's POV:

Tommy handed me his chew, I didn't take it, "when Wilbur brings your backpack I'll put it away. He's just coming." Tommy nodded and tapped on his legs. It was obvious he was stressed, and pretty overwhelmed but he was doing a great job. So I told him that, "you are doing really well Tommy!"

He smiled at the ground and tapped my shoulder. "What can I help you with?" He held his hand out, confused I did the same. He grabbed on to my index finger again. "That's ok. I don't mind." I ruffled his hair a little as he swayed from side to side just waiting for Wilbur. It was stimming and he was happier, i don't know if you can call that happy considering how sad he was, but I just stood there. Tommy holding my index finger a little gentler than last time.

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