A bad reaction pt.3 (Tommy and Wilbur+George+more?)

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Tommy's POV: 

"I'm proud of you Tommy. He's been a total, well we don't even have to say that word, but he's been horrible all day. We should talk to Dream when we next get the chance."


"You alright?"

"On my way to a meltdown, but I have been since George took my headphones earlier. At least the vlogs done now. And at least I know what his problem is. It's me."

"You lost a friend who wasn't a proper friend to begin with okay? If he's really got a problem with you being autistic, you don't need him around."

"I know. I know. But I looked up to George, and today was supposed to be really cool. Now the routine has changed again, and I just feel rubbish."

"Do you reckon you're going to get to your Dad's car before you have a meltdown? Or do you want me to get him to pick you up somewhere else?"

"I think I'll be fine. Thanks though. And thank you for today. I know you didn't do much, but you being here meant I could do more for myself, so thanks."

"You're welcome. I hope the day wasn't too rubbish."

"It was good apart from George. And the vlog is going to turn out really funny anyway. I may not like George as much as did before, but I have to admit, he makes some good bits. And the punch is going to look awesome."

"I'm glad."


"Yes Tommy?"

"You don't find me annoying do you?"

He stopped me by putting his arm across my chest as I walked beside him. Then he put both his hands on my shoulders, and turned me to face him. He left his hands there, doing deep pressure, which was helping me calm down. "No, I don't find you annoying. I think you're intelligent, funny and more than anything, Tommy, you're kind. You think of others before yourself. And this isn't an ego booster like it would be for the Tommy who masks. For Tommyinnit. This is an honest statement for Tommy. For you. You've had all day of George breaking you down, and it's alright to let people help build you back up. Okay? You're amazing Tommy. You're doing things I didn't do at your age, and still haven't done now. And just because one person, well a lot of people, don't like you, doesn't ever mean you aren't a good person. You're going to do just fine in life, because when things get tough, you keep going. And when people are idiots, you are the bigger person, and you don't let them break you. Now, it's getting cold. And your Dad will be wondering where you are. Why don't we go and see if we can find him?"

I hummed and then said,"hug?"

"Do you want a hug?" I nodded my head, Wilbur talking to me like that was nice but a little much, and I was getting closer to a meltdown I still didn't want to have. He wrapped his arms around me, as I did the same, and started crying. "It's alright mate. It's been a long and rubbish day. You ready to go find your Dad now?" I just nodded again.

We started walking, me trying to stop my tears, and wiping them with my hoodie sleeve. I saw my Dad's car, noticed the model instantly, despite its boring colour. He got out and walked towards us, giving me a sympathetic look, and opened the passenger door for me, as he saw my face. "Hey Tom. Hey Will."

"Hello. He's getting pretty close to a meltdown, but I honestly think he might just end up being so exhausted already that he just cries and falls asleep. Today's been alright, but George, one of the people we were meeting up with today, wasn't kind about Tommy being autistic. Was picking on him for his autistic traits and said he was doing it for attention. We've talked about it. But Tommy was the bigger person today, and he should be proud of that."

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