The supermarket pt.2 (Tubbo and Ranboo+Phil)

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This is a continuation so if you want to see the request, please go to the first part.

Ranboo's POV:

"Tubbo leave the mask on for now yea? Do you want to go outside?" He started walking without answering my question so I just had to assume his answer was yes, and follow him outside. I felt some pangs of guilt just leaving the shopping cart in the middle of the store, but I was worried more about Tubbo. When we got outside, I guided him to the side of the shop (round where the bus stop was) and held his arms gently so he stood close by me for a minute. 

"You can take your mask off now." He moved one hand to try and get the mask off his face, the other stimming. I brought my phone out and was trying to work out what to do. This was new ground for me, and the last thing I needed to be doing was panicking. Tubbo made the whining sound again and I looked up to see him starting to hit his head again. I could already see the looks we were getting from the people around us. "Hey man. What's up? Need some help with the mask?" Obviously now feeling understood, he stopped hitting his head and just fiddled with his fingers.

As carefully as I could, I unhooked his mask from one of his ears and then put it in my pocket. He moved his hands up to his mouth and paced backwards and forwards in a small line just to the side of me. People were still staring but I did my best to ignore them. I checked my phone: there was 5 minutes until the next bus got there. That was 5 minutes to calm Tubbo enough to wear his mask again and get on a bus. Then half an hour on a bus. That was going to be the more difficult part but I reckon that I could use my phone to help with that.

Phil would you be free in like half an hour? Toby has had a meltdown in a Tesco's and we've got to get the bus back. Need someone to talk to when we are back at the house. Could use with the advice

Sure mate. Bet you're doing well though, trust yourself

Relaxing now that Phil was going to be there to help, I returned my focus back to Tubbo. "Hey man. Can you come stand here for a second please?" Tubbo stopped his pacing and walked to stand in front of me. "Spin around." He stood in front of me, back now facing me. I rested my arms on top of his shoulders (basically just doing deep pressure) and whilst stimming with his left hand, he used his right to fiddle with my fingers. He seemed to be calming down. The bus pulled into the bus stop.

"Just need to put your mask on Tubbo. Here." I got his mask back out my pocket and handed it to him. With a bit of trouble, he did eventually manage to get it on. He look straight at me, not eye contact, but straight at my face. And even with my sunglasses on, I could see the worry in his eyes. He was more aware of what was happening than I thought he was. "It's fine man. We've got 30 minutes, then a little walk and then we'll be home."


"Yea, and we are going to can Phil, but you don't have to be there if you don't want to be."


"Yep, but bus first."


"Thanks man. I promise I'm trying my best." He nodded and stood with me in the line of people getting on the bus. I got my credit card out and just paid for 2 bus tickets using contactless. Tubbo looked like my little brother with the height difference, so the bus driver didn't really question it. We found seats near the middle of the bus and sat down. Tubbo preoccupied himself by staring out the window, but I had already noticed the fact he was sat on one of his feet and was rocking. I got my phone out again and brought up my camera roll. I didn't have games on my phone and this was the next best thing.

Eventually, we pulled away from the bus stop and that's when Tubbo started to panic again. I guessed being on the bus was just too overwhelming. "Tubbo? You want to look at this with me?" I spoke in a whisper, blending into the noise of everyone else on the bus. He turned to me and then looked at my phone, he was squinting and holding his hands over his ears. I pulled his hood onto his head quickly and then gave him a thumbs up. He just tapped my thumbs up, which I guess was his way of also doing a thumbs up in those moments. He pressed his hands on his ears over the top of the hood and leaned in to see my phone. 

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