College sucks more than you do pt.3 (Tubbo and Ranboo+Wilbur)

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Wilbur's POV:

"Pretty sure, what do you mean pretty sure?"

"Look, he said it once, he was half asleep and I pretended not to hear it because for the split second that he thought I'd heard, he nearly had a panic attack. I don't definitely know because he's never actually talked about it. But he mentions things every now again which I think he thinks are normal, but they're autistic traits."

"But he doesn't look autistic." I said, honestly confused.

"Shut up Wilbur, no one looks autistic. Plus he probably hides it from all of us."

"Okay, so let's say something has happened. Do you want me just to call and see if I can get through?"

"Yes please."

"Right I'll call you afterwards."

I hung up the phone on Ranboo and looked at Joe who was sat across from me in my living room. "Everything alright?"

"Yea, just got to call Tubbo and try and sort something out." I said, walking out the room and going downstairs to try and get through to Tubbo.

Surprisingly, Tubbo answered first time, but it was obvious something was up; Ranboo had been right.

"Hey Tubbo."

"Wilbur, I don't know where I am, and I-"

"Tubbo, it's okay, take a breath man. What's happened?"

"I was in a Starbucks but then Ranboo was worried about me, but I didn't want him to find something out, so then I walked off, but I got lost and I don't know where I am."

"Are you in town, or by the beach?"

"I think I'm in town, but I can't see anything I recognise."

"Right, first thing I want you to do is try and find a road name." I didn't need a road name to find him, I needed him to focus on something enough so he could call down.

"Uh there's one here, Rosemary lane?"

"Okay, I know where you are, don't worry. Everything is going to be okay."

"Everything's too much Wilbur."

"I know, I get it, it's okay. Can you find a bench, or somewhere to sit down?"

"Uh Yea, I can find a bench, I think I'm near the beach, they will be a bench by the beach right?"

"Yea, of course there will be. You go sit on the beach and I'm going to get Joe to drive me over. Then we can take you home."

"Yea, I'll find a bench, then you can find me and then I can go home." Repeating it back to me seemed to be calming him, so I stayed on the phone whilst going to find Joe.

"Tubbo, you keep walking to that bench, I'm going to go on mute for just a few minutes, and then I'll be back."

"Okay, I'm going to the bench." I muted and rushed upstairs.

"Joe! Can you drive me to Bognor?"

"That's like an hour?!"

"Yea well, I've sort of promised something now."

"Fine, let me get my keys." 

"I'll be outside."

I unmuted again. "Tubbo, I'm coming right now."

"I'm still walking but I can see on my phone now. It's only like 10 minutes away."

"That's good, you sound calmer too."

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